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Ethan Hutton's Dog Gallery 5

Welcome to my dog picture gallery. I love dogs a whole lot, and I like these pictures too. I hope you like these pictures also. I have text by each picture that explains what the dogs are like. I hope you can understand all of this and enjoy it.

The Bullmastiff

The Bullmastiff is a levelheaded, steady dog. He gets along well with other family pets and loves children. He is brave and protective. He saves his deep bark for really important matters. He is large and strong, so early obedience training is a must. As a puppy, his chewing needs are big too.

The Caanan Dog

The Canaan Dog possesses extremely keen senses of hearing and smell, and he can detect approaching intruders from a considerable distance, becoming instantly alert. He is an intelligent, trainable breed whose tracking ability is excellent. When raised with children and other pets, he becomes a devoted family companion and natural watchdog. He is aloof with strangers, inquisitive, loyal, and loving with his family. Because of the strong "denning" instinct of their recent semi-wild past, the Canaan Dog is naturally clean and easily housebroken. He does not require an excessive amount of exercise.

The Chow Chow

The fuzzy, adorable Chow Chow puppy becomes a powerful and independent dog in a few short months. The Chow is highly intelligent and extremely loyal to his owner, but is for an experienced dog owner. He is serious, dignified, and proud.