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Doggi Webio!!

Da Info!!

Your doggi might get hyper like odi and when they do you should tell them to calm their little selves down and take them to a nice fresh aired park. If you dont have a nice park near by, run around with them in your house or play hide and go peek with them!!

If your doggi is like my doggi and drinks water soooooooooooooo fast, you should call their name and then give them a numshious little doggi treatand get them away from the water bowl.

Doggi likes bones. and if your doggi is a ugly pug or a bull dog, you should probably never ever try to take their bone away from them because they will try to bite you thinking you are some bone robber even if you are its owner.

If your dog likes cats like my dog does spank them and talk to them saying its a bad thing. Then send them to their room.Then also beat up the cat

If your doggi is chasing their tail like this pup, it is known as being very dumb and stupid. But if you want to get money out of it vidio tape it and send it to channel 47 planets funniest animal. I some what garentee you that you will get your 100 dollers. Too bad that my doggi doesnt do that and i need money really bad.

Thesees are calles dalmation and even though they are catching a lot of attention from the movie dalmation 101, they are known to be the stupidiest dog. But on the other hand the poodle are the smartiest. Pretty coooool huh? (wink)

Your dog is not a very good dog when they plunge the tolite but they are being really smart but still they are making a messi.

Dogs can dream too like humans and when they do, they twitch, snore and whimper and it is sooooooooo cute. usually they dream about bones and then you should give them bone for treat and they eat them. duhhhh~~~!

Usually men dogs peee everywhere!!!

Dogs will beg to go for a walk (as shown above) so let your whole heart out and burn some fat off of you and go for a walk.

Doggies know how to swim and surf on fire hydrants if they are smart enough!!

Dogs can run fast so try to keep your pace up with them!

Give the dogs dog food cause they do get hungry even if they do not speak like we do!

Dry your dogs off after a bath cause they can catch a cold (but do not dry them off as above.)

Dogs arent this dangerous so dont be afraid.

This puppy got a go peeeee peeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

This of course is called puppy loveeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes a dog can be in the circus!

Yeah dogs can read whats next?

Come on give a dog a biscuit!!!