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HOMEARTMP3 – LYRICS**coming soon** -- LINKS



I have recorded another rough draft song. The song name is Time II (Eat My Dust).  This will eventually be a 3 part theme.  It is a rough  recording. You can check it and my other original Little Princess out at my MP3 page. I will be posting a better version of both songs very soon...

Thanks for checking me out!!




I have recorded another rough draft song. The song name is Time II (Eat My Dust).  This will eventually be a 3 part theme.  It is a rough  recording. You can check it and my other original Little Princess out at my MP3 page. I will be posting a better version of both songs very soon...

Thanks for checking me out!!



Doing a little fingerpicking at my girlfriend's place... notice the look of deep constipation!






In case you were wondering what a DDRP album might look like in case one ever got made

Click Me!!





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HOMEARTMP3 – LYRICS**coming soon** -- LINKS