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Bowie Conversions!! muahaha


Here is where I show you the best music of all time. David Bowie. He is simply one of the most influential artists of forever. He
has the most sex appeal the best voice and most importantly the most musical talent! He's been around since the late 60s and he's still going strong today. His new album is expected to be out in September and he's doing a WORLD TOUR in October!!! Everybody likes one song by him, whether they know it or not. You know Ashes to Ashes by A Perfect Circle? Bowie originally did it in 1980. And what about The Man Who Sold The World by Nirvana? Bowie circa 1970. AND get this you know the bass riff in Vanilla Ice's "Ice, Ice, Baby"? Bowie came up with that one too, go listen to a song called "Under Pressure" released in 1982. So as you can see, Bowie's not just "old music" or "out of date" he's still one of the most influential artists. With his songs still being covered nearly 30 years after they've been written you can hardly call him out of date!!
Here I take you inside a Night of Corruption. What happens, when they are, what we do and more. If you don't know what it
is, you will by the time you leave here. So surf around and enjoy, who knows you may be the next one to go to a NoC

Thats right everyone surrenders to a Bowie NOC!!

Next NOC is schedualed for:
Friday, June 27, 2003
More Info about an NOC FAQ Pics (none yet) Attendees (is that word?) Why We Love Bowie Me!

My Other Bowie Website
Tara's Bowie Site
Bowie's Bowie Site
