Turning Boxes



Points to remember on turning boxes.

         The left turning box will go in a clockwise rotation and the right turning box will go in a counter clockwise rotation.


 Right turning Waltz box.


When teaching the turning boxes have the people stand in a line and facing front position.   Explain that they while they are turning that they will face each wall once, North, East, South and west.  Have them do the first move (back left and turn right, side right and close with left foot.) This will show them that they have now turned ¼ right and are facing (example North to West). On the next step they will step forward on right foot and turn right ¼ turn, side left and close right. They are now facing south.  On the third move step back on left foot and turn right, side right and close left. They are now facing east. On final move step forward on left and turn right, side right and close left.  They are now facing back toward the north.

Note that the outside of the circle went in a counter clockwise rotation for the men.

When teaching the left turning waltz box have them do the above but instead of stepping back they will step forward and turn left on first move, back on second move, forward on third move and back on fourth move.  The moves will be in a clockwise rotation for men.


Right turning two-step box.


On teaching the right turning box for two-step, the first move is to side left, close right, step back on left and turn ¼ right face. Second move, side right, close left, step forward on right turning ¼ right face. Third move is side left, close right, step back on left and turn ¼ right face.  Last move is side right, close left; step forward on right turning ¼ right face.

Again please note that they are turning in a counter clockwise rotation for the men.

When teaching the left turning two-step box they again will follow the moves above but instead of stepping back they will step forward and turn left ¼ turn on first move, back on second move, forward on third move and back on fourth move. Rotation for the men will be in a clockwise rotation.