SECTION A: Name of this organization shall be Capitol Caller's and Cuer's Association, Incorporated.


SECTION A: The purpose of this organization shall be:

1.      To encourage, foster, and promote square and round dancing.

2.      To standardize terms and definitions, calls, movements, figures, and cues, per CALLERLAB and ROUNDALAB.

3.      To provide for the free exchange of dance material and other useful information related to the activity.

4.      To offer training, advice, and encouragement to members.

5.      To promote cordial relations with dancers, clubs, club organizations, recreation departments, schools, colleges, and others involved in square and round dancing or related activities.


SECTION A: Any person in the Mid-Willamette Valley or surrounding area shall be eligible to apply for membership in this association if he or she qualifies per the following:

1.      This organization shall not discriminate based upon race, creed, color, sex, age, marital status, or national origin.

2.      Full Member is qualified to vote, hold office, and participate at CCCA organization dances.

3.      Associate Members do not vote, or hold an office. Associate Members are elegible to participate at CCCA organized dances.

4.      REGULAR MEMBERSHIP: To qualify for membership the applicant must meet the conditions in Subsection a or b.

a.       FULL MEMBER: To qualify for Full Membership an applicant must:

                                                                           i.      Call/cue at least one dance per month or call/cue in equal partnership with one or more callers or cuers at least one dance per month,

                                                                         ii.      Be recommended by the Caller/Cuer Coordinator.

                                                                        iii.      Once a person has become a Full Member, the person shall remain a Full Member as long as their dues are current.

b.      ASSOCIATE MEMBER: Has completed a course or training in square dance calling, round dance cueing, or round dance teaching.


a.       A Lifetime membership may be awarded to a individual or couple at the discretion of the general membership.

b.      To qualify for Lifetime Membership the individual or couple must be a member of long standing and have had an impact on the Square or Round Dance activity.


a.       An Honorary Membership may be awarded to an individual or couple at the discretion of the general membership.

b.      Honorary Memberships may be given to a surviving spouse of a deceased member.

c.       Honorary Memberships shall be renewed each January.

SECTION B: Partners of members shall have all rights afforded the members, as long as the partnership exists, except the right to call or cue at CCCA sponsored functions.

SECTION C: To qualify his or her calling, the Caller applicant will be required to call a one tip patter and singing call program at a regular association meeting. This program shall be critiqued by the Caller Coordinator upon request of the applicant. The Caller applicant must also teach a figure assigned by the Caller Coordinator.

SECTION D: The round dance Cuer applicant must cue at least one Phase II round dance and teach a figure assigned by the Cuer Coordinator. The Cuer applicant shall be critiqued, upon request, by the Cuer Coordinator.

SECTION E: Final approval for membership shall consist of a secret ballot taken in the applicant’s absence. Applicant must be approved by a simple majority of the members present at a regular meeting.


SECTION A: PRESIDENT: The President shall preside over all meetings, appoint all committees as necessary, and be responsible for the general welfare and direction of the membership. The President shall prepare the meeting agenda and be responsible for distribution of the agenda to the membership prior to the meeting.

SECTION B: VICE PRESIDENT: The Vice President shall in the absence of the President perform the duties of the President. He shall also act as the Program Chairman, which includes New Releases, Workshops, and Round of the Month. The Vice President shall be responsible for making sure a sound system is available for all Associaion functions.

SECTION C: SECRETARY: The Secretary shall keep minutes of all meetings, handle all correspondence, maintain membership attendance list, mail the agenda to the membership prior to each meeting. Be the custodian of all of the non-financial official documents of the organization.

SECTION D: TREASURER: The Treasurer shall be responsible for the receipts and disbursements and maintain permanent record of these items. The Treasurer shall report to the Executive Board all those members delinquent in their dues. The Treasurer may pay any bills in the amount of $50.00 without approval of the membership. The financial records of the Association may be inspected by any member at any regular meeting. The new and outgoing Treasurers with the out-going Executive Board shall audit the financial records of the Association after each election.The outgoing President shall appoint a committee to audit the financial records of the Association after each election.

SECTION E: PAST PRESIDENT: The immediate Past President shall act as the Area Delegate. If the Past President is unable to act as the Area Delegate, the current President shall appoint an Area Delegate, who shall also assume the Past President’s position on the Executive Board.

SECTION F: CALLER COORDINATOR: To be held by a Caller that has the expertise to teach callers to call and teach square dancing. The Caller Coordinator shall perform the following duties:

1.      For auditions of new caller members the Caller Coordinator shall perform the duites as oulined in Article III, Section C.

2.      Assist the Vice President in developing a workshop program for the caller members.

3.      Coordinate the caller mentor and apprentice program when offered by the Association.

SECTION G: CUER COORDINATOR: To be held by a Cuer that has the expertise to teach cuers how to cue or teach round dancing. The Cuer Coordinator shall perform the following duties:

1.      For auditions of new cuer members the Cuer Coordinator shall perform the duites as oulined in Article III, Section D.

2.      Assist the Vice President in developing a workshop program for the cuer members.

3.      Coordinate the cuer mentor and apprentice program when offered by the Association.


SECTION H: REGISTERED AGENT: The Registered Agent shall be filled  by Presidential appointment, is a non-voting member of the Executive Board and is not subject to the provisions listed in Section I: Holding Office.


1.Only one person from a family shall hold office at any one time.

2.1.No member shall hold the same office for more than two (2) years. (Consecutive)

3.2.The term of office shall be one year for all elected officers beginning June 1 of each year.


1.      The Executive Board shall act as the Nominating Committee.

2.      The slate of officers shall be presented at the March and April meetings.

3.      All elective offices shall be elected by a majority vote of the members present at the April meeting by secret ballot.


1.      Vacancies in office shall be filled by Presidential appointment.

2.      Should the Presidency be vacated, the Vice President shall assume the office of President and the Vice Presidency shall be filled in accordance with the above section.


SECTION A: The Executive Board shall consist of the officers listed under Article IV above.

SECTION B: The Executive Board shall meet a least monthly to discuss business coming before the Association and make recommendations to the full membership

SECTION C: A majority of the Board shall constitute a quorum.

SECTION D: The Executive Board shall review these Constitution , Bby-Llaws and Standing Rules in odd numbered years and make any recommendations necessary concerning these by-lawsdocuments.


SECTION A: When a member is charged with a violation of the policies of this organization, such charges will be presented in writing to the President. The President and the Executive Board will investigate the charges and make any recommendations to the membership that they deem necessary.

SECTION B: The Executive Board shall recommend dismissal of any members deemed necessary for the good of the organization.


SECTION A: At such time as the Association decides to disband or dissolve, all funds then in the treasury, after payment of all just and due obligations, will be turned over to the Mid-Willamette Council.


SECTION A: This Constitution shall be in force and can be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the members present at a regular meeting, provided that such notice of amendment shall be presented at the last previous meeting, and all Association members will be notified of the amendment change prior to the time of voting on such amendment.

Date:     April 18, 2004November 18, 2007

Signed:   Goldie RestorffLloyd Larson



SECTION A: Dues for regular membership shall be $15.00 per year payable January 1 each year. When both members of a couple have qualified individually for membership, the dues shall not exceed $15.00 per year.

SECTION B: Members shall be considered suspended for non-payment of dues after 60 days. Delinquent members shall be reinstated upon payment of back dues.

SECTION C: A prior member shall be reinstated by paying the current year's dues.

SECTION D: Additional assessments may be levied, if necessary, to cover operational expenses by a majority vote of the members present at a regular meeting.


SECTION A: Unless otherwise ordered by the President regular meetings shall be held on the third Sunday of each month except for June, July, and August. Notice must be mailed 10 days before the changed date or to cancel a regular meeting.

SECTION B: Special meetings can be called upon seven (7) days written notice.

SECTION C: The members present at a regular meeting or special meeting per Article I, Sections A and B shall be able to conduct the business of this Association.


SECTION A: These By-Laws may be amended by a majority of the members present at any regular meeting.

The above Constitution and By-Laws adopted by Capitol Caller's and Cuer's Association.

Date: February 16, 1997November 18, 2007

Signed President:  Roger PutzlerLloyd Larson


SECTION A: All standing rules may be revised by a simple majority vote just as regular motions.

SECTION B: Identification Pins

1.      Your Association Badge should be worn at Association functions.

2.      As of January 1997, Association Badges are ordered from:

Barlow’s Printing and Banner
608 N Hwy 99W
McMinnville, OR 97128
(503) 472-7711
FAX (503) 434-5256

The cost of badge will be the current charges of the vendor making the badge.

SECTION C: Beginner's Callers or Cuers Class

1.      The Association shall sponsor Callers and/or Cuers classes as needed.

2.      The Association shall offer a mentor and apprentice program as needed.

SECTION D: Association Dances

1.      The Capitol Callers and Cuers Association New Dancer's Dance shall be at a time coordinated with the Mid-Willamette Area's New Dancer Dance Program; typically the third (3rd) Sunday in December.

2.      The Spring Carnival shall be on the first fifth (5th) Saturday in the spring.

3.      The Level of the New Dancer’s Dance shall be #40, Wheel AroundRun (not including Cross Run), as published on the Callerlab Suggested Teaching List dated 1/9411/2006. .

SECTION FE: Special Callers Workshop

1. If the opportunity arises to utilize the services of a national traveling caller for caller workshop purposes, the President shall, time permitting, contact the membership for approval. If times does not permit, the Executive Board shall act for the membership.


1. The rental fee for any facility rented by the Capitol Callers and Cuers Association shall be paid per the conditions of the facility agreement.

SECTION HG: Kitchen Duty

1. If refreshments are desired at Association meetings or dances, the President may delegate the responsibility of arranging for them.

SECTION I: Hall Rent

1. At the end of each regular membership meeting, the Treasurer shall pay the hall rent to appropriate person or organization.

SECTION JH: Callers and Cuers Attending Dances.

1.      Callers and Cuers should make an effort to pay their way into dances they attend.

Date: November 18, 2007

Signed President:  Lloyd Larson