Capital Caller and Cuer Association

Meeting Minutes

April 17, 2005



Joan Veilleux, Ralph and Linda Lambert, Doug and Janet Wilken, Paul Cooper,  Lloyd Larson, Richard Ball, Goldie and Earl Restorff, Ken Eslinger



         Minutes for the March 20 meeting were read and approved with corrections.


Treasurer’s Report:


The Treasurer’s Report was read and approved. The balance as of March 31, 2005 was $1,354.79.


Delegate Report:

Perfect Attendance

Propose change to holding office

17 squares attended March Benefit

Presented Candidates for MWA

MWA will donation $100 to Horses


Vice President  Report:

We need someone to do RD at the next meeting. 

Next workshop will be on square dance computer programs by George Clark


Old Business:

Spring Fling – Only 2 callers and 4 cuers have responded that they will be at

the dance. This is a disappointing support from callers. We need to bring

extra goodies. If you are not able to attend pleases help with door prizes

and finger foods.


Nominations for CCCA officers were opened and closed. A motion to accept

nominations was unanimously passed.


The planning for the 50th Anniversary dance for the Restorffs  was started.


We voted to place an OFN ad and create flyers.


Considering names for Randal Award. Voting next month.


Honorary members voted on. Honorary memberships were all continued. The

Honorary Memberships are for Barbara Parker, Alberta Clevenger

(Baker), and Wanda Roebuck.


New Business:

Correspondence – Sandy Harris is seeking feedback about having demonstrations

at the Antique Power Land Festival in August. The Association voted that we supported the idea.


A motion was approved to vote by email for State Officers. Bruce will handle it.


Good of The Order:

Crazy Creek Rockers will have a Flashlight Dance the end of April

Joan is the new cuer for Valley River Dancers

Englewood Twirlers will be dark until their Birthday Dance in September

         Silver City Squares will be dark on April 23rd


Meeting was adjourned