CCCA Meeting Minutes

March 20, 2005


Board Meeting: Review Agenda


Attending: Daryl & Yvonne Clendenin,  Richard & Karen Ball, Goldie & Earl Restorff, Ralph Lambert, Lloyd Larson, Doug Wilken, Larry Dupray, Ken & Nona Eslinger, Paul Cooper, Joan Veilleux


Minutes were approved as ammended.


Treasurer’s Report: As of Feb. 28, 2005 the account balance was $1,376.74. The Tresurer’s Report was appoved as read.


Delegate Report:

·       17 clubs out 18 Attended the Mid-Willamette Meeting

·       $85,000 has been raised so far toward the puchase of the Salem Square Dance Center.

·       Randal Award nominees are due by September 2005

·       Proposal to remove restriction on spouses holding office in the Mid-Willamette Area. The reason this is being put forward is that they are having problems finding people willing to hold the positions.



·       Return address for ballots

·       Hanhurst Tape Service has been purchased by Palomino Records.



·       Janet Wilken had surgery last Friday. Feeling is better.

·       Al Westphal had stroke


Caller Coordinator: We need to build our workshop program to build on each other’s skills.


Cuer Coordinarot: none


Old Business:

·       Spring Dance – We need to promote the dance because we missed the deadline to put an ad in the OFN.

·       Nominations


New Business:

·       Our August meeting will be the 50th wedding aniversary for Earl and Goldie Restorff. We voted to sponsor a dance in honor of their anniversary on  Sunday Aug 21st.

·       Mike Koma is moving to Idaho.

·       Clothing donated to CCCA will be sold at spring fling funds to save SD Center.

·       CCCA voted to support the area amendment to eliminate restriction on families holding more than one position.


Good of the order:

·       Bruce Lowther moved:

4130 Schafer Rd NE

Salem Oregon 97305


·       Silverton Demo in July at a youth camp for foster children from the Portland area. Bruce would like to get some youth involved in the deomonstration.


Meeting concluded.