CCCA Meeting Minutes

Oct 17, 2004


Board  meeting was held at 1:15 PM


General meeting started at 1:30 PM


Attending - Daryl & Yvonne,  Ralph Lambert, Lloyd Larson, Joan Veilleux, Doug & Janet Wilkens, Leonard & Marsha Snodgrass, Georgia Bailey, Richard & Karen Ball, Goldie & Earl Restorf, and Larry Duprey.


Minutes: The minutes for the September 19th meeting were read by Bruce Lowther and approved as read.


Treasurers Report: Read by Lloyd Larson and approved. It was requested that the future reports contain the beginning balance, income, expenses and ending balance. Lloyd said he would do that in the future.


Account TransactionsCapitol Callers & Cuer's Assoc.

9/1/2004 Through 10/16/2004


Opening Balance as of 9/1/2004




September Transaction Totals




October Transaction Totals




Ending Balance 10/17/2004






Delagate Report: Goldie gave the report as follows:

·       The club insurance documents and fees are due at next MWA meeting.

·       The round for November is Java.

·       The round for Decemner is One Walz With You

·       The Fall Festival will be on October 30th and starting at 7:30.

·       Insallation of new MWA officers



·       Announcement of sale of the Salem Square  Dance Center.

·       Updated form for renting the Salem Square Dance Center.

o      Discussion of purchasing center by a committee. There was a recommendation that the CCCA should put some danes together to raise money towards bying the CCCA a share ($1,000) in the square dance center.  This topic move to the new business part of the meeting.

·       State Insurance Form was received and will be sent in. The cost was $113.10.

·       Corperation renewal form was received and will be mailed next week.


Sunshine: Barbie Ashwell’s brother passed away.


Caller Coordinator:  Daryl put forth the following thoughts:

·       If a caller would like to be critiqued please call Daryl or Richard to arrange time at a meeting. Several callers spoke up at this time.

·       We need caller training in this area.

·       We need to review things we do while teaching.



Cuer Coordinator: Joan would like some idea of what do we want for a cuer program.


Vice President: Richard would like to know what items we want for workshop programs. Ideas brought forth are: Music for square and round. Voice coach. Etc. Call or email Richard with ideas of what you would like to learn or would like to present.


Old Business:

·       CCCA Web Site

o      Bruce suggested that we put the minutes on our website. The idea was discussed and we decided to try it, but we will still send the minutes with the email.

o      If you notice that a web site has our address wrong, please contact the web sites webmaster with our correct address ( and email address. If you are not comfortable with doing this let Bruce know and he will look into notifying the site.


New Business:

·       The Fall Festival – CCCA has kitchen duty at 7:30 - 7:45. Bruce, Karen and Marsha will bring goodies for the snacks

·       The CCCA is responsible for hosting the MWA meeting in Novemeber.

o       Goldie volunteered to provide the sound.

o      We need refershments. Get treats to someone who will be there.

o      We need to be there by 7 PM for setup and we will be responsible for clean-up afterwards.

o      CCCA will provide rounds at 7:30 until 7:55.

·       New dancrs dance in december. 1-4

o      Leonard will do the add for the OFN and the flyer.

o      Standing rules for dance level at new dancers is out of date and needs to be corrected. We decided the level of the dance would be 35 (just before Ocean Waves).

o      Cost is $2 for youth, $4 for adult and $10 for family.

o      Door prizes

·       Everyone is supposed to bring a door prize of some sort.

·       We voted to have the CCCA buy 3 introductory subscriptions to the OFN.

o      Everyone is supposed to bring finger food.

o      Richard Ball will open the hall.

o      Leonard will have a key to the hearing enhancement.

·       We discussed having a workshop outside of the meeting on teaching square dance lessons.

·       A motion was made and passed that the CCCA would sponser two dances to raise funds to purchase a share in the Salem Square Dance Center.

·       A motion was made and passed to use the proceeds (all income) from the Christmas and spring dances to help buy a share in the Salem Square Dance Center.


The business meeting was concluded.


Ralph cued us through the November round of the month, Java.


Ralph presented a workshop on being an MC. He passed out a list of items that the MC is responsible for. After going through the list there was good discussion on the topic. We all agreed it was a great workshop.


Respectfully Submitted


Bruce Lowther
