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Sipping Cider
(echo after every line)

The prettiest girl
I ever saw
Was sipping ci-
Der through a straw.

(all together, don't repeat lines of the chorus)
The prettiest girl I ever saw
I ever saw
Was sipping cider through a straw
Na na na na
Na na na na
(do this after all the verses, using the words of each verse)

I asked her if
She'd show me how
To sip that ci-
Der through a straw.

Then cheek to cheek
And jaw to jaw
We sipped that ci-
Der through a straw.

Every now and then
That straw would slip
And we'd sip ci-
Der lip to lip.
That’s how I got
My mother-in-law
And 49 kids
To call me Pa.
The moral of
This little joke
Is you don’t sip ci-
Der, you sip Coke.

I’m Looking Over
To the tune of I’m Looking Over a 4 Leaf Clover

I'm looking over my dead dog Rover
That I overran with the mower;
One leg is missing, the other is gone.
The third leg is scattered all over the lawn.
No need explaining,
The one remaining
Is nailed to the kitchen door.
Oh, I'm looking over my dead dog Rover
That I overran with the mower.

Hi, My Name Is "O"

Hi, my name is “O”
And I work in a button factory
A factory
I have a wife and three kids
One day, my boss came up to me and said,
"Are you busy “O”?”
I said, "No!"
"Then push this button with your…”
(Motions: At the end of the first verse, pretend you're turning a button with your right hand. Then repeat the song, adding your left hand. Then one foot, then both feet, then your head and tongue are added. )

Black Socks

Black socks, they never get dirty.
The longer you wear them, the stronger they get.
Sometimes, I think I should wash them;
But something inside me keeps saying NOT YET!
(sing this song more and more quietly each time, but still yelling the “NOT YET!”)
