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I Have No Balance

I Have No Balance

New Lyrics by The Avenging Turnip
Original Lyrics by Frank Sinatra - My Way

Again, I fell over
Cant't ride a bike I have no talent
My name it is George Bush
I tell you this, I have no balance
I've tried Segways as well
But tripped and fell and stumbled also
It is simple as this
I have no balance

Pretzels, I've tried to eat
But yet again, hurt myself instead
That thing gave me a big bruise
Cause I tried to eat with my nostrils

I am a clumsy guy
How can I be El Presidente
I'm glad daddy helps me
To read Dr. Zeuss

Yes when I eat, I wear a bib
And my speech has a huge lack of glib
And my IQ, is as an trouts
Can't read a map to find my route
Trips around when I try to walk
I have no balance

I'm clumsy, an unarticulate
I don't read stupid newspapers
Only comics and sports
It's about what I can handle

I don't think when I speak
It is better, not using braincells
No, oh no not me,
Brain out of order

So now I declare, me as dictator
I will ban, those stupid bikes
The segways too, they're really mean
But I will pardon all pretzels
Cause they taste so damn darn good
I am the nimbwit!