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Autumn Shade

4 Rare Songs for download.

The Vines are an Australian RAWK Band that started out as a Beatles/Nirvana Cover band a few years back. They played local clubs with only friends and family coming to see hem for the first few years. Just recently spirting up in the US, and the UK with their hot new singles, 'Highly Evolved' (The Title Track), 'Get Free', 'Outtathaway', and the first single named 'Factory.' The Vines cut a demo cd in Australia and also a limited 'Sun Child/Hot Leather' Vinyl a few years back. A few b-sides to search for, and I have a few up are: Ride, Hot Leather, Sun Child, Down at the Club, Fuck the World, Drown the Baptists, Later, Sorry Mrs. Jackson (Outkast Cover), and I'm Only Sleeping (The Beatles Cover). Most of the stuff was recorded on 4 or 8 track devices.

The Vines are currently recording their second album which is due out late this fall. Homesick is the newest single so look for that in stores; there are supposed to be 4 different covers. To read more on Craig and The Vines go to the new article at where The Vines made the cover, and also on NME Magazine Cover. The Vines are growing in popularity fast seeing as how they have played MTV's VMA Awards, and David Letterman.

Originally Craig Nicholls (Singer/Guitarist), and Patrick Matthews (Bassist), worked at McDonald's together in Australia and began to bond over talking about Nirvana. Soon Craig became interested in music due to the Nirvana album "Nevermind" and he and Patrick decided to start a band. The first name they were going to call themselves was "The Spastics" but then the final decision was on "The Vines" after Craigs' dad's very mildly successful band in the 60's "The Vynes." Along with (drummer) Hamish Rosser, and (Lead Guitarist) Ryan Griffiths the band is a collective collaboration of all different attitudes. Craig, the pot head that is never really there, Patrick, the one that looks after Craig and is the responsible one, Ryan, who is there as a guitarist and friend, and Hamish, the drummer who gets pissed at Craig every night for busting his drum set. etc.

The "Highly Evolved" Album includes: (1) Highly Evolved, (2) Autumn Shade, (3) Outtathaway, (4) Sunshinin', (5) Homesick,(6) Get Free, (7) Country Yard, (8) Factory, (9) In the Jungle, (10) Mary Jane, (11) Ain't No Room, and (12) 1969. A great album that supports a healthy Beatles/Nirvana mix, with influences such as Oasis, Supergrass, and Radiohead, amongst many other styles. Craig Nicholls and The Vines have been named the band to bring back rock, and the best band since Nirvana in many magazines, etc. And it is no wonder with great rhythm hooks, the most beautiful spaced voice, a destructive, pot head rawk star, and the attitude of a mad man. But you gotta love them. :) ;) Cloud. (Craig is the best!)

Despite what it may seem, Craig Nicholls is quite a shy guy and before interviews this year, rarely would talk unless necessary. He claims to have already written over 200 songs and just wants to keep recording as he put it best: "The Beatles never toured too much, they just recorded. That is the way i want it, I want to have 22 albums before it's over." And he is only 24. But hopefully they will keep touring since they put on the best live act pretty much ever. ;)


Down at the Club

Sun Child

I'm Only Sleeping (The Beatles Cover)

Sorry Mrs. Jackson (Outkast Live Cover)a>

Hot Leather

Fuck the World *Soon*

Drown the Baptists *recycled in soon *

Later *Soon*

Last Updated: 11/12/02.

Some Images Courtesy of,, and a few others.

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