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My Home Page!

Awesome Things In My Life:

Good sites right here:

some funnny(violent) stuff
even more funny stuff :-D
what an awesome band
download project 86 off of this (its free and legitamate)

the Angelfire Gallery of Fine Art (eat your heart out Ansel Adams)

Some pics of me and my buddies

Hope you enjoy this, these photos cover several years of my life, so it's quite the journey :-D

my dog Laddie

megan and michelle

frank "the tank"


in our cabin being weird

sam and ondra

senior guys after winterfest

jen and i

jess and i


danielle and i

Stina and her friend

Sopeak and Zay

Ann and Chelsea

Maia (prom date, second from right)

Megan playing my guitar

Eric, Patti, Nicole and Ann