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Stonger Than Yesterday

My Faves

My Favorite Web Sites

About the Disney channel, games,and more!
Everything about American Idol!
Games and clips!
Everything on Birtney!
A fan's tribute to Simon Cowell!

~Joke of the week~ There were three boys walking on a bridge, they noticed that George Bush was drowning.They go to save him and he says "You may have whatever you would like for rescuing me". The first boy asks for 10,000 dollars. The second boy asks for a car. The third boy asks for a wheelchair, "But your not cripled" George says. "I will be when my dad finds out who I saved!" the boy answers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~My new quote: Firetruck!!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~Shoutouts: Allie maura had a dream that she is president! Nat stop touching the meat grinder! Abbie Caveman's home! Maura shutup about West Wing!{and Clay} Halfpint stop yelling in my ear! If you don't know thesse people you won't get it! SIMON COWELL RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AMERICAN IDOL RULES!!!!!!!!!!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I HATE GEORGE BUSH!!!!!!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~My favorite song is:Stronger ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~My favorite music artist:BRITNEY SPEARS!!!!!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~The best movie ever made: GREASE!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lines in song's i'll ever forget: "It's something unpredictable but in the end it's right, I hope you have the time of your life." "So I lay my haed back down, and i lift my hands and pray, I know now your my only hope" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Something George Bush should probaly think about:"Anger is only one letter away from danger" Anonymous My all time favorite saying:"To handle yourself use your head. To handle others use your heart." Eleanor Roosevelt
