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OK, lets face it, you've all done it at one time or another: listened to a song for years thinking you know the lyrics, until.... and from that day on the song has a whole new meaning. After getting a few variations and stories about misheard lyrics from songs by The Frames, I though it would be good to share them with everyone. I'm sure the people who misheard them don't think I should do this to save their embarassment, but what the hell, sure its all a bit of craic. So here we go... oh, and isn't it strange how a lot have a certain kind of overtone!!! Please don't be offended at any of my comments, I'm just trying (very badly) to add a bit of humour to the site!

Song: Mighty Sword
Guilty Party: eileen, Grahamsie and cwrenn

there's a line in Mighty Sword that goes "that cuts through bone and lays the liars down". I personally thought it was "-lays the lions down". Nice images of fighting lions with swords but oops, I got that one wrong.
the band fondly remember their days as Gladiators in the colusseum!

Song: Fitzcarraldo
Guilty Party: soc

for a while soc believed that a certain Mr. Fitzcarraldo 'chose the long road, that leads me out to GALWAY'

Song: Angel At My Table
Guilty Party: karen

1st time i heard it - there's a devil on my shoulder & he's telling me she's so beautiful & I should "grope" her & hold her... (yuck!)
Karen, now we all know how your mind works, scary ain't it!

Song: Revelate
Guilty Party: cwrenn

i was convinced upto a few weeks ago that the last line of revelate was "rise in your stealth", not "redeem yourself"! don't ask me why.
Guilty Party: <unknown> (can understand why)
i'm too embarrassed to post my real name up but for my first few years of revelate i thought 'redeem yourself' was 'ride me yourself'..hey i was young'n'innocent in them days..
Holy shit! Personally I thought it was 'write it yourelf'.

Song: Red Chord
Guilty Party: Hely

mine isnt funny but i always thought it was "im pulling on the red chord that pulls u back to me LOVE." why is it lord anyway??
just be glad yours made sense, not like some of the other ones here.

Song: Headlong
Guilty Party: soc's friend

I played Headlong for a mate of mine who wasn't really a fan and then I was like isn't it great etc., she then proceeded to say 'Yea its nice but who has he got in a headlock? Whats going on there?
finally, the secret's out about the bands ambition to become WWF wrestlers, and leading the charge is none other than Glen 'The Hammer' Hansard and Joe 'The Dark Destroyer' Doyle!

Song: Giving Me Wings
Guilty Party: AJ (and a few others I think)

I thought for a few days, although I was hoping it wasn't, that the lyric in Giving Me
Wings was.. 'And your giving me wings so I dont have to jump
And your giving me WIND so I can carry on.' It was sort of ruining
the song until I realised it was 'WILL'.
There's nothing worse than finding out that the horrible side effect of someone giving you a bit of a lift is severe flatulence problems!
Guilty Party:

Guilty Party:

Guilty Party:
