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the eddie gabbu®

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News: SHOW- DEC. 7TH-
Oct. 25, 2002. We played at Erica's party and had a great time. We played pretty well even though we were down a member(Jared went to a TooL concert..... TOOL IS GREAT!) No originals/new songs were played due to the lack of one of us. To sum it all up, the party was great and i hope everyone had a great time.-jd

September 21st, 2002 was a great night! The show at Mason's house was amazing. The show featured Last Man Standing, The Mercy High, The Eddie Gabbu, and Invision. All the bands played great! The transitions from one band to the next was nearly flawless. Everyone worked well together to keep the show flowing smoothly. I want to give a special thanks to Mason's mom and step-dad for allow the show to be held at their house. There were roughly 200 people in attendance which was far beyond what anyone had expected! The only flaw in the show was that it was quite warm inside which forced a lot of people outside and diminished the energy inside for the bands to feed off of. This problem will hopefully be solved next time. Also at the next show any smokers will be told to leave! THERE IS NO SMOKING! Thankz to those who attended. Hope you had fun.-jd

We've begun serious practicing again(i say serious because the last few practices were just playin our old stuff and messing with junk no one knew). We are going to try to get another show together by mid-september(date subject to change). This show will feature atleast one other band besides the Eddie Gabbu and The Mercy High(<- name subject to We are hoping for more of a turnout for this next show. Everyone is invited to come and show their support. Like always the music will be great and it'll be a lot of fun!!-jd

Punkstalk(june 15, 2002) was a success. Everyone had a good time and the music was great. Our band and The Mercy High(emran, joe, jon, greg) played to near perfection. We hope to have another show in the not too distant future. I hope to see more people come support the hometown bands and i hope it will be as much fun as Punkstalk.
Thank you to anyone who came, and for those who didn't, you missed a great show.
Highlights of the night included: collin laffin starting off Hash Pipe, mason smashing an old guitar, the excellent drumming for both bands, the sic guitar solos by joe, shyam, mason, and jared, and the joint performance of Fat Lip.-jd

WHO WE ARE:We are a modern rock (not nu metal, not pop punk) band from Middletown, CT. We play covers from a wide array of bands (from System of a Down to blink 182) and have several original songs lined up for our upcoming show.Thanks for visiting this site and please sign the guestbook. And as always- strap it up before you smack it up.

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Thanks to Ed Gibeau- for without whom this would not be possible

Jimmy Drobnis- You're the only one for us

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