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Welcome to the top site in webdesgin secvice we offf low price templates and cuostom graphix for verey cheap.

were not like thouse other web desgin sites thast cost 300 bucks a web site we do it cheap and we get it done.

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We are the top in webdesgin service we have the lowest rates on graphix, and templates chose us need any contacts please vist the contacts page..



    Here is the latest graphix lesson

    Opacity change(layer lesson)

    1. Create a new image or pull up an image you want to use.

    2. Now open up another Image, Now cut the part that you want or the whole thing and paste it on the first picture.

    3. Now go to the layers box[if useing adobe] and look for opacity on the top of the box(for other users look for layer proprites and chage it), Now change the opaicty to whatever you want and it should look something similar to this.
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