Columbus OH to Pittsburgh PA

Today's Driving Distance: 200 Miles - Driving Time: 3 Hours

Total Driving Distance [so far]: 3850 Miles - Driving Time: 62 Hours

Cold Pennsylvania countryside

When I woke up in Columbus it was again a crisp cold morning, 20 degrees! I gassed up the car and headed out. It was only a 3 hour trip today but I figured I would start seeing some east coast traffic congestion. And I was correct. It was below 25 degrees the whole drive again. What was really neat was just before Pittsburgh I went through a long tunnel and when I emerged from the other end I was on a bridge over the Monongahela River in Pittsburgh!

A nice view of downtown Pittsburgh

Suddenly a view of the Pittsburgh skyline. My GPS took me to my friend Noah's house easily. I met Noah at Mets Fantasy Camp and we became friends. His wonderful family welcomed me into their home (and out of the freezing weather). I was not used to the cold like this. Just getting things out of my car took my breath away. Noah and family took me to a great spot overlooking the city before dinner. After a quick look at the inside of an old church that had been converted into a brewhouse/restaurant (45 minute wait for a table), we went to a nice place that served great hamburgers. I had a bleu cheese bacon burger and it was excellent. Afterwards at their home they shared some fantastic pastry that was like a cake with crunchy topping. My taste buds were very happy after the bad chips and Pizza Hut from the previous two days. Noah had a very cozy guest room and I slept very good despite the cold weather outside.

Noah, Mr. Met and Skid

On to Day 17

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