Three Babies
(Words and music by Sinéad O'Connor)


C     F     G     C    F     G

C             F          C                 F

Each of these my      three ba-bies I

C            F            C

     will car-ry with me

C               F      C                F

     for my-self I ask no one else will be ____

C           F                        C

     mo-ther to these ___ three.

C                 F           C               F

     and of course I'm like a wild horse but there's __

C                       F                             C

no oth-er ____ way I ____ could be.

C                  F                       C                       F

Wa-ter and feed are not ___ tools that I ____ need for the

C                             F                        C

thing that I've ___ cho-sen ___ to be.

C             F/C    C/G        C                                        F/C         C/G

     In my  soul,    my     blood and my ____ bones ____ I _____  have __

C                                                              F                                             C

wrapped your cold __ bo-dies ___ a-round me, __________ oh __________

        F         C            F         C

the face on you, the smell of you, ___

            F                            C

will al-ways be with me. ____

C                  F           C                 F

     Each of these, my      three ba-bies I

C                   F                    C

     was not will-ing to leave.

C                   F                  C                   F

     Though I tried, I blas-phemed and de-nied I know ___

C                     F                    C

they will be re-turned to ____ me.

C                  F                 C                F

     Each of these my __________ ba-bies ________ have

C                                F                         C

     brought you ___ clo-ser ____ to me.

No long-er ___

C                 F                       C                      F

mad like a horse I'm still ___ wild but not ___ lost from the

C                              F                       C

thing that I've ___ cho-sen ___ to be.

And it's

C                        F/C    C/G    C                                        F/C                C/G

     cause you've thrilled  me     si-lenced me, ___ stilled __________ me, __

C                                                            F                                              C

proved things ____ ne-ver ________ be-lieved __________ oh __________

C           F         C           F

     the face on you, the smell of you, __

            F                           C

will al-ways be with me ____


C     F

C             F          C                 F

Each of these my      three ba-bies I

C            F            C

     will car-ry with me

C               F   C     C                F             C

     for my-self I      ask no one else will be ____

C           F                        C

     mo-ther to these ___ three.


C     F     C