Feel So Different
(Words and music by Sinéad O'Connor)

God, grant me the serenity to accep the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference.

F/C             G/B                       Am 

      I am not like I was before

F                        G/E                                  Am/C         Am 

     I though that no-thing would change _ me.

F                     G/E                        Am/C     Am 

     I was not listen-ing a-ny-more

F                      G/D                           Am

     still you con-tin-ued to af-fect me.

F                    G/E                        Am/C     Am 

     I was not think-ing a-ny-more.

F                    G/D                       Am/C     Am 

     al-though I said I still __ was

F                  G/D                             Am

     I'd said "I don't want a-ny-more" __

F                     G/D                       Am
     Because of bad ex-per-i-ence.

But now I 

F             G

feel so dif-fe-rent,

F                    G

     I feel so dif-fe-rent,

F                  G                          Am

     I ____     feel so dif-fe-rent.

F/C                G/B                              Am

     I have not seen free-dom be-fore,_

F                 G/E                           Am/C     Am

     and I did not ex-pect ____ to.

F                   G/E                          Am/C     Am 

Don't let me for-get now I'm here

F                                   G/D                      Am

     help me to help you     to   be-hold you.

F            G/E                                Am/C     Am 

I start-ed off   with ma-ny friends,

F                           G/D                        Am/C     Am

     and we spent a long   time talk-ing

F                         G/D

     I thought they meant eve-ry word they said ___

F                               G/D                                Am

     but like eve-ry-one else they were stall-ing.


and now they

F                      G

     seem so dif-fe-rent,

F                              G               F                  G                           Am

     they seem so dif-fe-rent                    they seem so dif-fe-rent.

F                        G/B                               Am

     I should have ha-tred for you. _____

F               G/E                    Am/C     Am 

    but I do not    have a-ny.

F                       G/E                          Am/C     Am 

     And I have al-ways loved __ you,

F                      G/D                       Am

     oh you have taught me plen-ty.

G/B     C                            Am7

           The whole _____     time

C                   Am7

     I'd ne-ver seen,

all you had

C6                             G/D

     spread be-fore___ me.

G/B     C                            Am7

           The whole _____     time

C                   Am7

     I'd ne-ver seen,

that all I'd need

C6                  G/D

     was inside me.

       F                    G 

Now     I feel so dif-fe-rent,

F     G       F                                     G                                   F                                                       G

I     feel     so ________________________________________________________________________


F     G       F                                     G                                   F                                                       G

I     feel     so ________________________________________________________________________
