Don't Cry For Me Argentina
(Words and music by Andrew Llyod Webber and Tim Rice)

C                                                   F/C

     It won't be ea - sy, you'll think it strange


When I try to ex - plain how I feel, That I need your love af - ter

C                                                            Am/C

all that I've done.________  You won't be - lieve me.  All you will see is a

D                                   D/C                                       G/B       D7                                   G

girl you once knew.  Al - though she's dressed up to the nines at six - es and se - vens with you.

C                                                   F/C                                                        G7/C

     I had to let it hap - pen, I had to change;  Could - n't stay all my life down at heel.


Look - ing out of the win - dowk, stay - ing out of the sun.  So I chose

Am/C                                                   D7                            D/C                                     G/B

free - dom  Run - ning a  - round try - ing ev - ry - thing new, but no - thing im - pressed me at all,

   D7                             G

I nev - er ex - pect - ed it to.

C                                                                                                                    G

Don't cry for me Ar - gen - tina___ the truth is I nev - er left you  All through my wild days, _____ my mad ex - ist - ence, I kept my

                                        Fma7                Fma7     F6     F

prom - ise, Don't keep your dis - tance.__

C                                                 F/C                                          G7/C

     And as for for - tune, and as for fame;  I nev - er in - vi - ted them in


Though it seemed to the world they were all I de - sired.

             Cma7     Am/C                                                         D7                             D/C                              G/B

They are il -         lu - sions  They're not the so - lu - tions they prom - ised to be, the an - swer was here all the time,

   D7                                   G

I love you and hope you love me.

(These lyrics are not sung, music plays these chords)

C                                                                                                                    G

Don't cry for me Ar - gen - tina___ the truth is I nev - er left you  All through my wild days, _____ my mad ex - ist - ence, I kept my

                                        Fma7                Fma7     F6     F

prom - ise, Don't keep your dis - tance.__


Have I said too much? There's

                                              Em7                Fma7                                                                       C

no - thing more I can think of to say to you  But all you have to do is look at me and know that ev - ry word is true.

(Lyrics are not spoken, music plays these chords)                                                                                                    (Lyrics sung)

C                                                                                                                    G

Don't cry for me Ar - gen - tina___ the truth is I nev - er left you  All through my wild days, _____ my mad ex - ist - ence, I kept my

                                        Fma7                Fma7     F6     F

prom - ise, Don't keep your dis - tance.__