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This song is sung by Chauvelin to Marguerite in the concept cast version. It is the equivalent to the musical's "Where's the Girl?"

A scent of roses in her hair,
A silver laugh that plays the air,
A wave of heat, and Marguerite is near you

We fell like stars. We're falling still.
We shared the dark. We always will.
Who else but you could lead me to my heaven?

It was written on the wind
And it's useless to fight.
Will you be my darling angel tonight?

Marguerite, I thought you knew--
I understand the dark of you.
Give in to's time that we were dancing.

The scent of roses fills your hair
Your silver laughter chills the air
But oh the heat when Marguerite draws near.

And no one has touched me.
My soul's my own.
Marguerite, you, too,
Walk the night alone.
Come hear me, come near me.
God only knows
No one moves my heart--
But you...come close

And everyplace is bittersweet
When every face is Marguerite!

I breath the roses in your hair.
I feel your heat. I touch your air
You frighten me...or could it be...I love you?

The moon begins to climb the sky.
The wind will rise and so will I
To catch the star that's known as Marguerite.