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alternative text. This text is for screen readers or in the instance an image can't load, a description of what should have been here. At Strait Up Beats you have a feast of beats available Tavian (a.k.a.) "Strait" can produce music that's current and fresh, his style is versatile and new.

About "Strait", at almost 14 years old, he is a young Christian brother with a love for music. He's been around music and musicians all of his life and plays Drums, Tuba and Keyboards.

He has the drive and dedication with a goal of becoming a music producer/legend. His drive to produce comes from his Father, Family and a love for the new movement of Christian Rappers and Singers like; Dre Murray, WLAK, Lecrea, Christian Gray; just to name few. Producing R&B, Hip-Hop, and Gospel tracks comes natural.

He is experienced in making music with instruments, and various DAW's recording software. Making music, songwriting, music theory and his ear for melodies is unbelievable for a person his age.

"Strait" comes from a musically inclined family and grew up in and around studio's, musicians and bands from gospel to cover bands. He's ready and with the guidance from his family, he hopes to live out his dream which is making music and recording.

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