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I am and have always been an instrumentalist - a player. I love to perform - to play drums and/or sing before a live audience. I have very few recordings of my performances. I was busy at the time, you know.

Occasionally someone will ask me if I can teach them to play drums like I do. I don't know if I can do that. I catch myself playing things I didn't know I could play...

If you hear anything on this site that intrigues or inspires you, good. I believe in music - in the power it has for communication and good will between people. Musical expression is important for the soul and spirit. Music has saved my life more than once in a way I cannot explain. Now I want it to line my pockets. I have paid my dues, brothers and sisters!

Right now I am putting the finishing touches on my MIDI band. Fortunately, I already know how to play. Technique is important for a drummer. I recommend starting with the basics and mastering the rudiments. Learn dynamics, control, and discipline. Entertainment is a very tough business and it's nice to be able to depend on your relationship with your instrument. The rest, as they say, is a piece of cake.