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      Welcome all those who took time out of your busy lives to read a message.  This message was conveyed to me on August 26, 2004.  I continue to revise grammar not content as I still stumble with my writing as do many of us yet we overcome this obstacle of self doubt and write for those who will read.

    I had a very intense religious experience while in the hospital. It is hard to talk about because I don't want people to think that I am nuts. But I am compelled to do so here it goes. I was lying in bed at Stanford Hospital listening to some music, and out of nowhere something came over me. And, I could then  see the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life glowing, She was wearing a violet tunic or gown I am not sure.  I believe it was the Virgin Mary. She then began to communicate with me and I say communicate because it wasn't a voice.
     The communication that I received was more like instant cognition and flashing images. She then explained to me that God perceives time very differently than we do, and that two thousand years is like a blink in time to him. She then continued to express that God was upset with Man because they have been killing in his name as well as using his name in vein upon documents of greed and profit..
     She then continued to demonstrate that having the Lord's name on money was considered using the Lord's name in vein. The Lord also does not appreciate his name adorned upon buildings in which men's  designs are not of his will. Then the feeling of her moving away came over me then a more intense presence drew near. I believe it was the Arch Angel Gabriel, and then these passages were communicated to me by him...

Blessed are the children who will not see the full line of life.

Blessed are the mothers who will not see their children live the full line of life.

Blessed are the Fathers who will not see their sons live the full line of life.

Those who kill in the name of the lord shall not enter the kingdom of heaven, Nor shall their seed.

Those who benefice from the suffering of others shall not enter the kingdom of heaven, Nor shall their seed.

Those who take comfort in the suffering of others shall not enter the kingdom of heaven, Nor shall their seed.

     Then the Arch Angel Gabriel's presence became less intense and the Virgin drew closer and then began to communicate in images things that are so hard to begin to explain. I saw dead bodies, babies with missing limbs and such with the stench of urine, feces and rotting flesh. I have never witnessed such things in my life, so it was quite horrifying and began to weep.  She then expressed the coming of a plague of which Man has never encountered to date. I then saw images that made me feel that she wanted people to leave large cities, and that Men of greed and profit shall be the ones who proliferate this plague despite the warnings of the wise.
     I believe she is referring to business men who travel a lot from city to city by airplane. She did not communicate when this was to happen. She then began to communicate what was needed to be done about money and the Lord's name. We are to cut out his name and ask for forgiveness for using the Lord's name in vein and then we are to burn the pieces of paper with beholden the Lord's name. This shall cleanse the money. People who continue to use money beholden the Lord's name shall be considered using his name in vein.
     I then attempted to communicate that I did not know what exactly was being asked of me, and that I was only one man and a sinner at that. Both communicated to me that I should not have fear nor shame for I was to be the vessel of the Lord. Then the Virgin pulls away and then a burning feeling like fire flowing through my entire body came over me then a feeling of beauty and love to which I have never felt, an ecstasy of sorts is the only way to explain, came over me. I believe it was the Holy Spirit entering my body.
     I then was compelled to leave my hospital room and proceeded to go down to the fountain in front of the hospital. I then put my right hand into the water and then words came out of me in some language to which I was not familiar, I believe I had blessed the water. I then lifted my hand in the air then a gust of wind came forth from still air and mist then began to shower my parents and I. It really freaked out my parents so they pulled me away from the fountain and back into the hospital. I then had the feeling that anyone who would touch the water with faith shall be healed of their ills.
     This does not mean people's medical problems will disappear miraculously but the healing refers to the soul and its preparation to receive the light of God. Then a final message more like a warning which details if Man does not change their ways that the Lord would send down Seers to peer into the souls of Man and those with out faith--I can't express the horrible images I saw; it wasn't good. I believe it must be the four horsemen mentioned in the Bible. I know it sounds crazy but it was so real.


Web Page designed by blind yet I have seen

This page was last updated 09/16/2004 09:40 PM