I'm Still Bleeding Where is the reason - where is the hope - when all your life you're left hangin from a rope Can I be saved - can I be cut loose - arms tied to my side swingin from this noose Now it's getting heavy - now it's suffocating - cauterize my wounds But I'm still bleeding I'm still bleeding (x5) And I pulled you closer for a sense of relief - I've been crucified for all my beliefs As I take this shotgun and put it in my mouth - set it to righten my sorrows and blast all the pain out Now it pulls me under - now the pain it breeds to stitch me closed - But I still bleed I'm still bleeding (repeat) Open your eyes - lead me inside And fall on a landslide - inside my hindsight (x2) I'm still bleeding - won't you stitch me closed - don't ya know I'm still bleeding from this open hole (x2) I'm still bleeding, I'm still bleeding (x4) stitch me closed - cuz don't ya know I'm still bleeding (x4) BLEEDING BLEEDING BLEEDING!