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Elderly Instruments

Mandolin Cafe

Fiddler Magazine



FiddlPat's Pad

Welcome to my page. Here you can find links to traditional music, both Anglo/Celtic and Old Time American.

I'll try to devote this site to interesting things concerning traditional music
I'm a musician who's been with music most of my life. Starting with piano and cornet when I was 10 or 11, I started to play guitar when I was 13. I've had a fair amount of experience playing rock and roll guitar. When I was living in Austin Tx in the mid late '80s, I discovered the joys of playing traditional Irish/Celtic/Old Time music. I'm from Louisiana, and when I returned there in 1991, I continued to pursue this. In 1992 I got a fiddle, a mandolin, and a tenor banjo. That was 8 years ago, when I was 41. I read music, and found that to be a big help in learning these instruments tuned in 5ths, something new to me after the guitar. People often speak out against reading music, saying the playing of music should be an 'ear' thing, and I agree. If you don't have a good ear you probably won't be playing in the first place, though your ear can be developed. I think that knowing how to read is a big plus, and it's really not that hard at all.

Presently I play fiddle with a song/dance folklore troupe out of Lafayette LA. Our name is Renaissance Cadienne. Please check out our webpage from the link to the left. This is alot of work but it's alot of fun too. It has allowed me to travel to Europe and Canada and to places here in the USA besides what we do in Louisiana. We are a show group rather than a pub group, and wear period costumes and try to recreate and present the dances and music of an earlier time, in a Louisiana of the past, as well as in past times of other parts of the French speaking world.

I love all types of traditional music, and am very familiar with the fiddling traditions found all over the country, as well as Canada, the British Isles and Ireland, and also, to a degree, those of France. I tend to lean more toward Old Time American music, and feel that the fiddle and banjo reign supreme. I'm trying to learn to frail an open back 5-string these days.
The following pages of the site will contain pictures and information, etc., concerning traditional music. I hope you enjoy, and please feel free to email me, as I love to meet other musicians with similar interests. I recommend the email lists Fiddle-L, Banjo-L, and CoMando for folks interested in this music. The Mandolin Cafe link can get you to Fiddle-L and CoMando. Just click on CoMando in the links on the left on the main page, once you get to Mandolin Cafe.

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