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My Muse

"Where words fail, music speaks." -- Heinrich Heine

Welcome to My Muse - which just happens to be music.
Strange how a simple song, something based on someone else's emotions, can inspire another person.

I am inspired by many different genres of music -
everything from the Backstreet Boys to Chopin and Metallica to Jon Secada.

Feel free to browse: I have musically-inspired fan fiction, musical experiences and a few links. Things are always changing so check back!

Updated on August 2, 2002.

Okay so life has SERIOUSLY gotten in the way of my writing. I finally did get the next chapter of Voyaguer done. Oh, and now the story has a new and more inspiration title - Eclipse. Check it out on the stories page.

I did manage to get to some of the Challenge for the Children events last weekend, including the party at the groove. The Skills competition was more fun though and will post some pictures when I get the chance.




Zero Tolerance

"Remember, harmony is never
achieved when everyone is singing the same note." -- Anon.
