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Welcome to the Mp3Zone!  First off, if you're looking for Mp3's, you won't find them here.  Sorry.  The horrible truth is that i just don't have the bandwidth to dish up Mp3's to this site.  All I can give you right now are some players and utilities for Mp3's, and the hope that I'll get a better server and a FAST connection.  Almost every last thing listed here is completly and totally FREE!  Most of 'em you can buy so they'll work better, but the free stuff'll work forever. If there's anything you want me to add or change, just e-mail me at, and I'll see what I can do.

5/15 Microsoft's bCentral said my site could'nt use their service, so the counter's going down, but so is the crappy link at the bottom of the page, so be happy.
6/16 I've added a couple Mp3 players and utilities to the list, and more are coming soon, I hope........
6/17 More of everything, moving fast.......... Added star rating system, changed some comments.
6/17 Got a new domain,
6/22 Mabye you noticed them, the big circly thingies?  I made and added some images!  Wow!
7/24 I added some quicklinks just below the News section.  Down with scrolling!

Click on one of the images below to go to that section.

Winamp - Winamp is a pretty good Mp3 player from Nullsoft.  Winamp lets you use 'skins' to change what it looks like (that's actually better than it sounds.)  The skins are made by Winamp users and you can get 'em from the Winamp Homepage.  Plus, there are lots of plugins that can make Winamp do almost anything imaginable.  Really.  If you hate Real and Microsoft, just get a plugin and play almost anything!
Qmp3D - This one's a plugin for Winamp that gives you 3D sound.  In other words, you can make the sound seem like it is moving around you, or make it seem like you are in several different sizes of room.  This actually makes it sound like a live performance especially when coupled with Winamp's Live setting on the EQ.  Quality is what you're looking for, and you've found it.  You'll have to buy this one, but serious listeners, creators, or just casual users will greatly benefit from Qmp3D.

Sonique - Sonique is the best Mp3 player I've found yet.  It can display some really great visualizations on several different places and scales.  The program has no window, so the skins can make the player look like anything that will fit on the screen.  It has a few modes of looking at it, each of which have good sides.  Sonique has less input plugins, but it lets you play a lot of stuff, and it can do a few unique things you'll just have to find out about yourself.

Macast - Alright.  You PowerPc Mac owners are getting frustrated aren't you?  Not enough players for you?  Well, here's the Mac player of choice.  Similar to Winamp, Macast can play many types of files.  It can also stream Mp3s through system's like Nullsoft's SHOUTCAST, designed for Winamp.  Apple lovers, your savior has arrived.

Windows Media Player - Okay.  If you think Microsoft is God's gift to the world, get this.  Or if you use a Mac.  That's right, Mac users, you finally have a decent Mp3, video, wav, and lots of other things player.  Of course, Windows users probably have some version or another of it already there, but this upgrade is probably worth it just to play some movies and sounds better.  If you're looking for a reliable player without much fuss with skins or vis's, knock yourself out.

RealJukebox - It's RealNetworks trying to catch up with Winamp and Sonique.  RealJukebox is better for Mp3 playing than RealPlayer, and it can encode files from CD's to Mp3, RealMedia or Wav files.  It also plays music CD's.  RealJukebox has the same visualizations as RealPlayer, but Jukebox come with skins!  It's amazing!  RealNetworks has figured out that their programs are ugly!  I recommend RealJukebox more than Player,  but not much. (Read: Just get Sonique!)   Note: The RealEntertainment Center download just a way to get RealJukebox, RealPlayer and RealDownload(explained later) in one big file.

RealPlayer - RealPlayer is an ok Mp3 player, but there are lots better ones out there.  RealPlayer can play streamed movies and songs, but only in the RealMedia format, which makes them sound and look like crap.  RealPlayer can play normal Mp3s, and the new beta has visualizations, but they look like the movies do.  Take my advice, here.  If you want to just stream some small, legal files, use RealPlayer.  If not, stay away from this RealNetworks monster.

Napster - Havin' trouble finding the Mp3 you want? Then Napster is what you need.  Napster is a program that connects you with everyone else using it at the same time.  On Napster you can eventually find ANY Mp3 you want.  It has a search feature and a chat system.  It can also do instant messages, which are useful to keep the guy who has you're file from disconecting.  The normal chat has gotten more popular than it used to be, so try surfing the chatrooms.

GetRight - So you can find every Mp3 you want regularly on the Internet, but the download never works?  GetRight is the answer to all your problems.  If the link is broken, GetRight can use an FTP search and find a link that works.  If the download suddenly stops or slows down, GetRight can revive your download.  GetRight has a free trial version that works forever, but if you buy it you can get rid of the ads and use more of the skins that the program offers. GetRight also comes with a template for making your own skins, if you get bored with what you can get.

GetRight - Faster, Eaiser, Better Downloads

MusicMatch Jukebox - If you're lookin' to record high-quality Mp3's from your Cd's with ease and for free, turn to MusicMatch Jukebox.(If you're looking for very low-quality Mp3 recording, turn to RealJukebox.)   MusicMatch can record 320kbps songs for free with no limitations.  If you don't know, that's really good.  It can record to your computer or to a CD-R.  It can print CD labels and inserts.  If you wanna to make your own CD's this is how you're gonna do it right.

Uncook 95 - Ok.  So you can find the download site, download the file, but once you get it, the file sounds like the band has suddenly decided to play it's next song underwater.  We can fix that too, but only on downloads from the Internet, not from Napster.  Uncook 95 fixes the files by getting rid of line breaks that some servers will add to the file, making it sound crappy.  IE users, sorry.  Uncook 95 only works on Netscape downloads.

Download Now 

RealDownload - And here we complete the usless tour of the RealEntertainment Center.  RealDownload can pause and resume downloads, resume disconnected downloads, and comes with the exact same skins as Jukebox.  It can't download as much stuff as GetRight, and the free Basic version (which I hope you've all been getting, it's not worth paying $50 for these things) limits your options.  If you have Jukebox and Player, you might as well complete the cycle. - I'm just gonna give you what the site says about itself, cause it's all true.
       Your source for cutting edge music.
       Epitonic is an aesthetic, a blatant taunt to the ears. This is our battle cry: We find
       music that engages, music that explodes, music that subverts. We handpick every artist
       and label on our site so you don't have to waste your time looking for the good stuff.
       And it's free. So start downloading and prepare to lose your mind in the cacophonous
       delirium of our musical asylum...
Epitonic also has movies and software.  What you waitin' for, foo? Get goin'! - This website offers Internet Mp3 'lockers' to keep up to 3GB of Mp3's on the Internet.  You can share these files with other myplay members and look at playlists that other members have created.  You can also download the files you have stored to any computer with an Internet connection, or stream the files.  If I get Mp3's on this site, I'll include links to directly add them to your myplay locker.

SHOUTcast - Streaming audio from Nullsoft, makers of Winamp.  SHOUTcast is Winamp-based, but you can use any player.  SHOUTcast servers are like radio stations, each one playing a certain type of music.  You can run your own SHOUTcast server and brodcast your own music.  The SHOUTcast website has online docs to help server developers, and links to download SHOUTcast broadcasting software and Winamp.

Audiofind - Yet another way to find the Mp3's you want.  Audiofind is basically a search engine for Mp3's that people have submitted to it.  Audiofind can read the names of files inside zip files and tell if the person who submitted the file just gave it the wrong filename or what.  Pretty good if you get frustrated connecting and disconnecting from Napster to find a file.

EatSound - EatSound is an Mp3 search engine that uses lots of other search engines to get it's results.  Choose the search engine you want to use, hit Find Now!, and you'll get a huge list of links.  This list can be depended upon to have 9 out of every 10 links broken.  When using EatSound, be armed with GetRight or RealDownload, or else be prepared to crack your skull when banging it against your monitor.


The Mp3Zone! website is coded, managed and updated by Trendell