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A Touch Of Class...

Oberheim SEM-1

Originally an 8 voice SEM, this system was enhanced by me over the years. It presently consist of five Oberheim SEM-1 modules and two Oberheim 2x8 positions mini-sequencers: all functions are entirely patchable externally by banana plugs :it features 10 VCO, 5 LFO, 5 VCF, 10 ENV and 5 VCA and all the fat sounds that made that brand famous.

If you want to find out more about the various functions and controls, please sweep the mouse gently over  the Oberheim Module 1, 2x8 Mini-Sequencer Module1 and the Sequencers I/O patchboard area.  DO NOT CLICK

If you are interested in enhancing your 4 or 8 voice SEM, check the guidelines on how to construct and connect an external patchboard to your SEM .