Just a quick note to let everyone know that our site may not be updated as frequently or as regularly as before, now that we're both in college. We have other obligations so we can't spend quite as much time on this site. Don't worry, though, we won't let it fall TOO far behind...there's nothing worse than trying to find information on a website that hasn't been updated in over a year! We should still be able to update at least several times a month, so it'll be okay. = ) Oh, for any of you who may have gotten confused with our email troubles...that's all fixed now. Our email addy is pimpsofpop@pureplayas.net. Feel free to email us anytime you need anything, we love hearing from you!

Please visit our trade page too. Beth is putting a lot of work into it and we'd really like to see it do well...and besides, everyone wins! You get something you want and we get something we want. What is there to lose?! Hope we can help you get what you want!

Don't forget that you can get to our site by 4 different addresses...https://www.angelfire.com/music2/innocentnsync, http://www.getit.at/pimpsofpop, http://www.zap.to/thatscrunk, and if you have the CommonName Agent (go here to download it), just type pimpsofpop.com. We like to make it as easy as possible for people to get here!


By the way...just because this site would be considered tame compared to some, that doesn't mean that it's going to be perfectly...um...what's the word I'm looking for? Clean? Yeah, that's it. Let's just put it this way. Viewer discretion advised. Some content may be slightly offensive to some viewers. If you can handle it, great. If not, proceed at your own risk. You've been warned. ; )

The basic elements of this page are NOT finished yet, so please check back every so often. Besides, this page is constantly under construction since we will try to update it at least once a week. However, we will both be very busy, so please bear with us if we don't update in a while. Thanks!

Read our Crunk Record!
Sign our Crunk Record!

We created this website June 3, 2001