
I needed to find him, he thought suddenly sneaking into the trailer park. He found the supposed trailer of James Bradford. He knocked on the door and a motherly woman answered.

“Hello, can I help you?” She asked.

“I’m looking for James.” He sneered. She politely told him that there was no James around here. He didn’t believe her. The mother’s 17 year old daughter heard the conversation and was also unaware who James was. But being in her Pajamas she rolled over in between the bed and floor as the man walked by. The man seeing the movement out of the corner of his eye, turned around to face the window. He was an expert criminal, although he had been trying to stay out of this ordeal for awhile now. He would talk to James, protect his mom and leave it at that. But if James had something to hide he needed to find it so he took out the screen of the open window and let himself in without a sound. The girl saw heard something though and stopped her breathe. The man being smart looked over the bed to find a surprise. A beautiful girl in a camisole laying there scared until she saw him too. Their eyes linked, she too was allured by this obviously older man. He grabbed her hand still surprised to see someone so beautiful and innocent, it had been awhile since he saw something that contained both. He kissed her hand softly and whispered, “Amazing” making her breath stop again and causing tingles through her veins. Her mother soon knocked on the door and as quickly and as quietly as he entered, he left. The mother questioned her daughter to see if she knew a James and the daughter honestly answered no. The man was AJ, the girl was Emily (EN: No I am not head over heels with Mr.McLean but for the story he fitted better than the other guys.). He left to try and hunt down James without success. His senses exhilarated still by the beauty, innocence, and kindness of the girl. He knew he needed to see her again. He decided to watch her and wait until she was alone and leaving the house. Emily was left just as obsessed. She had never connected like that with someone before. The circumstance was strange but yet exhilarating. She was in fact innocent and beautiful but she was also smart and knew the chances of seeing this intriguing man again was slim but she vowed to herself to do it anyway. She went through school the next day in a daze feeling different and special. For she had found someone interesting and intriguing. Different himself. For those who believe in love at first site this was it. But she didn’t and neither did he. They both knew it to be something that grew but they both acknowledged there was chemistry, and even care. He had been watching her a few days in his off time. He was in an upcoming boyband. If only grunge would simmer down enough for them to get some attention in their home country. But he was not known as famous. But even then he had a sort of rough bad-boy look about him.(EN: Am I confusing you yet? Here is the lowdown. Its before the guys were famous in the US but picture AJ as he is now without all the money.) He had finally decided he needed to see her again soon. He didn’t want to walk to the door for fear of the Mom. She had not looked approvingly at him even once that day at the door and he was not go ing to let her come between him seeing this girl again. He amazed himself at his loyalty to the girl he didn’t even know. He hadn’t dated in a long while and actually feeling something for someone worth while was a first in his long life of 21 years. She felt the same way in that instance. No one really knew her except for her mother. It was all assumptions. Nobody cared either. But she saw something in that man’s eyes that had proven her wrong. Something that made her feel safe and happy.

He finally decided to make his move as she got into her car that evening. Her mom had already said bye. She was about to drive off as he entered the car. She subconsciously had continued driving but still her heart stopped at the site of him again. Once she got to the end of the park, she couldn’t contain herself anymore. She leaned over and kissed him. He was as excited and their kiss grew. She pulled away only to continue driving. Enjoying yourself was one thing. Getting caught was another. They acted like old friends totally comfortable in each others presence but in their case their stomachs were tightening with lust and intrigue. She drove to the nearest empty parking lot. Forgetting all about going to the party she had planned on attending.

“Who are you?” she finally asked. Their eyes locked. He didn’t answer her for a second for they both were melting into each others souls through their eyes.

“AJ” he answered. She had picked up enough about him just by looking. His name was all she didn’t really know.

“I’m Emily.” She shared in a whisper. He kissed her hand again not breaking the gaze giving them both such a sense of deja vu, they both whispered “amazing” this time. They sat there and stared for at least a half of an hour before her cell phone rang causing them to rejoin reality. It was the hostess of the party. AJ had silently agreed to go where ever she went. So they went to the party. Most of the people there would already know AJ, not for his gifts at singing but for his past. AJ had been a bad boy a long time. In high school, which was the same one she was a senior at this year, he had a rep for being someone you didn’t mess with. Someone who didn’t care. They were in for a surprise this night. He knew some of them too but he would not let them hurt her just because of him if the circumstance came up. She was surprised that she didn’t have to introduce him but really didn’t care as they walked through the party. She made the appropriate appearances in the appropriate circles. Their hands linked and never not touching. They finally sat down with their drinks. His hand resting on her thigh. Many were surprised that she was letting someone do that to her especially him of all people. But she did and without regret. She didn’t mind him touching her. They had something between them although neither knew what to call it. She didn’t feel like herself , even though it was just the vision others held of her not what she really thought. She felt good, fulfilled in a sense. He did too, just happy to be near her and wishing none of the troublemakers here would instigate him to hurt them, because he would. Nobody would ever mess with her after this moment. They had shared that with each other through a conversation of movements and touching. After getting enough weird looks inside they silently retreated to the back. There was not as many people out there. They sat down on a bench. Her on his lap, his hands circling her to rest on the sides of her abdomen. A wave of emotion surged through them both. They were lustful but knew it was not right to act on it to an extent yet. So they stayed in that position just feeling purposeful because of each others company. Late that night she had to return home.

“My mom can’t know about you yet.” she shared ashamed she had to be ruled by someone who would not yet understand. He understood though. He hugged her and kissed her on the cheek, glad to get even that although they earlier had kissed. She deemed it appropriate and sweet. Not to mention, extending her yearning. But they didn’t need to tease each other. For the result of teasing was already in both of them and they didn’t want the other feeling unfulfilled. So they parted, slowly and longingly. The next day at school she was teased and harassed, thought of as easy now. But she ignored it as she daydreamed of seeing AJ again. He had been thinking about her all day too and despite his newly busy schedule he would have to visit her again soon.

That day came a week later, it was just as intense of every moment they had shared. This time he was bolder and kissed her before leaving. He would have to leave the country in a month and although he had shared this with her, he knew her mom would have to find out. So did she. That evening she told her mom most of the story. Mom did not approve but understood and agreed to let her daughter bring him to another party. He came and picked her up that evening. While the teasing and harassment continued to her without his knowledge she felt better now than she had in years. They were becoming closer not just emotionally and that next evening she snuck out against her mom’s orders to sleep with him. It was the most amazing, unique, and fulfilling experiences to both of them. He had performed the same act before but it was totally different now, as everything was to him. The intensity between them always there. They had met up again at a social function. It was a party but not one that was real exciting yet. He left h her side a moment to go to the bathroom. There he overheard a conversation that he shouldn’t of.

“I swear, that is the dude, James told us about. We have to do this.” Said an enthused male.

“But, she is my lab partner in science. I hear what people do to her already. She doesn’t deserve to die.” Replied his friend.

“James wants her dead. I don’t go against what he says. We are to have her dead, Bone will respond the way James wants him too and then we get paid.” Reasoned the first guy.

“All right but lets make it a swift death.” Said guy number two. AJ was left in the stall with a feeling of anger, sadness, and guilt at the same time. He would not let them kill her. He quickly rejoined her side and refused to leave it all night. As he was driving her home, he brought up a piece of what he overheard.

“Are people harassing you at school?” he asked sternly. Wanting to protect his jewel.

“AJ, it’s nothing I can’t handle.” She said leaving it at that. But as they met eyes, he knew she had been through a lot to stay with him all this time. His guilt progressed. But for now he ignored it. He was just glad he wasn’t leaving her yet.

“I love you Em.” He finally said.

“I love you too AJ.” She replied, they linked hands and he continued to drive her home. She would be safe there.

“Don’t go to school tomorrow.” He said.

“All right, why not?” she asked.

“Just don’t all right. I will come and get you okay?” He said. She nodded. That night he feel asleep feeling bad but knew he would fix this, He HAD to fix this. The next morning she didn’t attend school as planned and he came to pick her up. They went to a deserted field where they stayed the whole day, just walking the grounds and having those sessions just melting into each other through their eyes again. But that park was also the park where her mother walked through during her mid afternoon break. She was surprised to see her daughter not at school and ordered her to go there. AJ was beyond confused on what to do. Was e being overprotective? Did he have the right to do that? Her mom grabbed him and told him they were going to have a little chat as Emily waited near the end of the park. Three guys walked up to her, unnoticed by AJ and her mom. She ignored them and looked away not seeing the gun, one of them pulled out. They not satisfied at her ignorance, shot her once in the leg, making her yelp and soon fall to the ground. That achieved the attention of AJ and her mom. AJ ran up yelling out bargains in the air like

“Take me instead” but it was useless. They shot her once in the heart and then in the head. Blood was everywhere. AJ ran up to his lover. Her mother was in shock and fainted. The boys were experts at what they did but they were not prepared for the rage that AJ possessed he had one of them pinned, the others ran. Authorities soon took over the scene. Also taking away the body of h is beloved. He stayed in the park that night crying and chastising himself for not handling that differently. He never loved like that again. It took him four years to recover. He never had a moment as intense as those with her. And he never ever looked into another’s eyes without seeing her. Nobody even tried to see his soul after that. It was all different. And to him it was all his fault. (EN: Please give me some feedback at least on this story)

