2.0 Beta 7 for
Windows 95, 98 and NT -Napster
is a completely new way of thinking about music
application that takes the hassle out of searching for MP3s. No more
broken links, no more slow downloads, and no more busy, disorganized FTP
sites. With Napster, you can locate and download your favorite music in
MP3 format from one convenient, easy-to-use interface.
FINDER VS.5.0 BETA 2 -Tired of using search-engines that don't come up with
anything but a bunch of broken links? You're not the only one... Abe's
MP3 Finder changes this.Main advantages with Abe's compared to other search programs:
Many results - often several hundred
or even thousands! Very few broken links thanks to smart
link checking
Fast downloads since a song often is
available on several servers
- is an easy to use service that makes it
possible for you and me to find our favorite content on the Internet.The
assumption behind iMesh is simple: somewhere out there, among the
millions of Internet users, there is someone that has what you are
looking for. iMesh makes it easy for you to find that someone and get
the file you are looking for. It can be photos, source files, homework,
home made videos and ALL kinds of files you decide,provided you do not
download copyright protected material without authorization. |
FIEND - MP3 Fiend allows you to search 11 major MP3
search engines concurrently so that you don't have to submit your
search to each one individually. Just specify one or more search terms
and watch as the program gathers up links for you. MP3 Fiend allows you
to save your search results and supports automatic DOWNLOADING.
Version - Find any song, by any artist in under 60 seconds -
That's their claim. By utilizing the latest in Internet technology,
Planet.MP3Find automatically locates and determines MP3 Music Servers
which are online! Now comes complete with its own built-in FTP!
3.01- Search an unlimited number of newsgroups and servers. Postings
are examined to eliminate duplicate files, out-of-bound sizes or
formats, rejected authors, organizations or keywords. Multi-segment
postings are collected and glued together automatically from one or many
servers. An internal player for AVi and MPG video types. An MP3 player
with a jukebox. An image viewer with editing functions. Complete
thumbnail galleries of your database with simple and fast navigation.
Extensive keyboard mapping for faster access to frequent commands And
best of all, thanks to advertiser support, TIFNY3 is free!
No limitations.
Find MP3 - is the ultimate tool to locate and retrieve MP3 files on
the net. 2 Find MP3 uses
the top MP3 search engines available on the net today. It not only finds
the music you want, it also verifies the search results and lets
you download the MP3 files with a single mouse click.
1.00 -
Locate and copy the files you want. Using FileFury, you can search
broadly over the Internet, beginning with your own friends, to find the
files, MP3 or otherwise, you're looking for. Download them with the
click of a mouse. Employing an easy-to-use Explorer interface, FileFury
is simple to operate, fast and clean.
Voyeur v0.95 - Scans Local Area
Networks for MP3 files. Ideal for college dorm networks or large office
networks with shared folders.

Sound Agent™
- Sound Agent™
is a multimedia search program that will search for files of your
favorite artist or song, and download them with a few clicks of your
mouse. Sound Agent™ was designed for simplicity, and ease of use so
you can download your files without feeling overwhelmed or confused by
our wonderful technology.
- MP3Robot is a freeware MP3 search/download/organize utility.
- Search through over 60,000 MP3's all over the web.
- Download several MP3s at once!
- Launch MP3s directly from the application!
- Find an insane number of MP3s in seconds!
- Advanced user interface that is simple to use
- MP3Robot is Completely FREE!
- provides a service that allows users to share multimedia files with
other people in the MediaSharing community. It is ideal for independent
musicians, photographers, and other artists to promote and distribute
their work. You will find in our community music, graphics, movies,
stories, and more -- any file type can be shared!
Downloader 2.32 - ComTry MP3 Downloader helps
you to find your favourite MP3 files on the internet. MP3 Downloader
searches for the most reliable locations and downloads your favourite
songs directly.

Mp3 Finder -Atomic Mp3 Finder
searches the web to find and validate the existence, bit rate, and
frequency of files from the internet. Once the links have been verified,
the user can easily download a selection with the click of a button
Mag-Net 3.0 - Finding MP3s has
never been easier. This new utility uses the search and filtering power
of File Mag-Net to find MP3s from all the top search engines on the web!
File Mag-Net has been has received a 5 star rating from ZDNet/PC
Magazine and is a Editor's
- Are you lazy ?
I know I am, and so, one afternoon, during an old episode of a crapy
soap opera, I decided to make this simple to use, visually stunning Mp3
Search Engine. Wow, that was a long sentence. Anyway, I was so bored
that I decided to add in a few hidden Easter eggs, so, if one day,
you're sitting around during an old episode of a crapy soap opera, you
can try finding them. What fun you will have, trying to find this
pointless stuff. A clue? Try a combination of keys in the 'About' box.
Anyway, if you are lazy and bored one day, and want Mp3s without the
hassle of having to look for them all over the internet, just run this
small program and it will do the rest. Yeah!