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My Journal

Summer '03- July 10, 2003- I went to rehab!! I am a meth addict and alcoholic.... I bet no one saw this coming!! lol! I have been clean for 61 days and I'm living in Vacaville with my beautiful gf Erika... :) Life is good.
Summer '02-
August 29, 2002- Kae well, I spent my entire summer with Suzanne, Steve, Albert, Robert H, Whitney, Drew, Holly, James, Nicholas, Robert, Marin, Tiffany, Andie, Mike, Joe, Eddie, Jesus, Lilja, Ron, Alex, Jeremy, Devin, Cassie, Kevin... there's more, I just cant think right now, and we all basically lived at Whitney's. I went the SF and Sac and Berkely and Oakland and Marin, it was a great summer. I just moved in with my Aunt in Petaluma, so Im going to go to skool here. I've been with Suzanne for almost 3 months, and I love her to pieces, so thats all 4 now.
May 20, 2002- Hmmm... where to begin. The Navy thing isnt really happening. I really dont want to do it. SO I went to Marin this weekend with my friend Maria. It was super fun. I hung out with Bianca and got to see Katie P and everyone. It was nice. So Vacaville isn't so bad. I seem to acquire a mini cult following everywhere I go. :) No, but all the queers are so very sweet here. I didnt know most of them existed. So I am working at Sub way now, its not so bad.
April 9, 2002- Okae... I havent been back to Marin in a while, but Bianca came up last weekend, and it was fun. I was sick, tho. The hunt for a job continues. Life here is super boring. There is nothing to do in Vacaville. New life plan! I'm going into the Navy. My dad and I went to the Recruter last week and I'm hopefully leaving in August. Boot camp is 8 weeks long. In Illinois. That seems like an eternity. But I'm sure I'll be fine. And I get to get the hell out of here. I want to be a journalist, or find a position in Human Resources. The Navy idea has given me something to look forward to, something to get up for. I started going to the gym with my mom to start training, I dont want Boot Camp to kill me, only kick my ass a bit, so I figure if I start getting in better shape now, the transistion wont be so bad. :) Thats whats new with me.
March 25, 2002- Well. What a weekend. My father said that if I stay with him this past weekend, I wouldn’t be aloud to leave, I had to just stay there and be in the house. So I told my mom that, and she said that it was cool if I stayed at friend’s houses. I ended up staying at Bianca’s house basically all weekend, and my mom knows about us, and she’s okae with it, so I figured that it wouldn’t be a big deal. She didn’t try to contact me at all for the duration of the weekend. I figured everything would be fine. Its not fine. I went to my dad’s house on Sunday night to finish packing and to gather things I’d need in Vacaville and he accused me of stealing money from him. Which of course I didn’t. Apparently the whole family thinks I did. But I haven’t even been to the house when he wasn’t there. The really fucked up part of it is that I know who took the money. And I can’t tell without getting someone I really care about in trouble. Double Jeopardy. I hate my life. I don’t even think the person who did take the money realizes how much my father thinks he knows I took it. I’m really tired. I want to take a break from coming down here. My life just seems to keep ripping apart at every seam I think is really strong. The threads are just pulled so tightly and the resistance never seems to let up, even slightly. My situation never gets better, I just adjust to the pressure and I’m beginning to realize that I need to adjust to the fact that the pressure is only going to keep building, and I’m going to have to keep on adjusting. I wonder what will happen when all the seams break, and all the threads come undone. What then?
March 22, 2002- Alrighty... So back to Vacaville I am. Holy craziness. This is difficult. I'm taking the Cali High School Proficiency Exam next month. I'm graduating this year. Early. I really liked drake. Drake's the only high school I ever really felt a part of. Im tired of starting over. I'm really sick of it. So, in the case that I dont pass the CHSPE, I'm going to finish my junior year so I have the option of going to senior year. I just want to get my life started already. I'm going to be 18 in december, and my parents both want me to be outta their houses, so they want me to get my degree before my 18th birthday. They dont want to be forced to support me through another 6 months to finish my senior year. Its kind of depressing. I never thought it would be me. Getting out of High school early is for people who cant handle it. I can, hell, I even liked one of my high schools. But of course it had to be in a place where I can't stay. Okae, enough self pity. SO amazingly enough, Bianca and I have decided to stay togetherm despite the hour and 15 minutes that seperate us now. She really means a lot to me. We have the best times, just laughing. I think I care about her so much because we were super good friends first. She drove down here the other night, and only stayed for 3 hours, and then dorve back. It was really sweet. Yeah. SO thats it for now. Payce.
March 14, 2002- Damn the man. I'm out of Dad's again... thats o so typical. But I'm pretty sure that I will be renting a little shack- cabin thing from Allie's mom in the valley. It's two rooms plus a kitchen and bathroom, and its got a tv and a bed and electricty... YAY! I wont freeze! So now I know I dont have the time to be emancipated, but I can atleast work towards it so my mom cant take me back to Vacaville. I love my mom, but I cant leave now, I cant start over again. I'm so comitted to getting my grades up here at Drake and passing my junior year with some sort of grace. So I'm trying.
March 7, 2002- I think about death sometimes. Like what will the world say about who I was or how I effected them. Will someone find this and read it, and care? Will it just be lost forever in the eternity that is the internet? Why do I somehow think that people will want to read this? I cant stand the thought of being left behind. Left behind with nothing. If someone I loved or cared about, or even passed by randomly died,I'd want to know what they thought about, or what they believed in. I'd want to somehow be touched by the life they lead. i hope with all my heart people will someday understand that all I wanted to do with my life is show love. I want to be someone that people can say, yeah, I know she had love to give, or that they recieved it, or that somehow I made them feel special, even if it was something as insignifigant as a smile, wave, or squeeze on the arm. God, sometimes I feel like my heart is so full it could burst, like I dont know what to do with all of the compassion i feel. And other times, Im filled wiht so much grief that I dont think I cant stand it, like im breaking and shattering and i wont ever be able to understand and express it. I want to understand. I want to learn. I hate how that's not good enough for my dad.Maybe hes right, I dont really think my education in school is my first priority, because in the fairy tale world I've built my self, a smile and good word will get you far in life, yes even in the "real world". But i want to work hard. I want to achieve things, but my achievments might not be so great in the eyes of the people who judge me. But its not about them, its not their life im leading, its mine, and I want to take that and run with it, to expirience all that the world has to offer. I know my life is a gift, I know what I have... I know! I just want the freedom to stay up all night if I need to, or sleep for 20 hours strait, but just live at my own agenda. At my own command. THings will fall into place, they always do. The universe will always provide for me, because i have that faith. i put myself out for what i believe in. I stumble, I fall, I hit rock bottom, btu its still okae. I still have my self. I still ahve what i am, and thats good enough for me. It doenst have to be good enough for anybody else. Because I want to love, and feel. And I dont have ot be happy all the time. Im not just about feeling emotions that come easy. Im down for heartache, heartbreak, longing, loss, sadness, anger, selfishness, guilt... but not regret. Regret is something that I dont give myself the opportunity to have. Its a waste of time, I know I cant change things when they're gone and done. But i can learn from them. I can take the expirience in my grasp, and analyze it, and squeeze every last detail out of it until I find what went "wrong" or fell short, until I can feel in my heart that i have learned. Even if it means I make the same fucking mistake 3 billion times in a second in a row, thats fine with me, because Im always going to have the chance to learn from it. Until the day that I die. And even if that day came tommorow, I could honestly sit here and say, I have no regrets, I have no malace toward anyone or anything, and that I expirienced love, passion, hurt, guilt, joy, sadness, loss, and gratitude. In the 17 years I've spent on this Earth, I've used my time wisely in my eyes. I got out of my safety zone, I chased the moon, ran with the stars, seized the day, I lived. I loved every moment of my life, even in my darkest hour, even the world was falling and i was loosing grip on everything I ever had or wanted. Even when I didnt want to love life, or even live life... I can look back and say, yeah, that was so fucking hard, but look at me now. I apreciate it all. I have respect for it all, every curve ball thrown in my path that disturbed my quiet waters. And I have apreciated the people in my life, and loved them. I can only hope, wish and pray that someday they will have even the slightest glimpse into how much they were cherished and loved by me.
March 6, 2002- Went back to my dads. The man really bothers, like how does he expect me to respect him?... to be continued.....
February 12, 2002- Well. The teen shelter isnt so bad. It sucks, but not too badly. My dads in jail... not surprising, and hopefully he'll be out by Friday so I can go home. My Mom and step dad (the guy who is my dad[we made up and he apologized] and deserves a better title) came and took my out last weekend to the city and my brother got to come and I saw the movie "I AM SAM" with my mom. They really want me to go back to Vacaville, but I really cant. My life is here. My friends, true friends are here and I love drama and I'm in 2 plays that I've already comitted to. My life is here, and this is where I need to be. And Kim! Kim wont let me move in on Friday because my dad isnt there. She hates me. I cant stand her, but I shouldnt be punished because she didnt know what a moron my dad is. This is so stupid.
February 5, 2002- Oh Hey now. Well on Sunday night Jasons Mom took me to a teen shelter. They are so strict. They took my pager, curling iron, lighter, cigarettes, everything. They search my stuff. I understand that they need to keep the house safe, and I dont have anywhere else to go. I cant go anywhere and I have to be home directly after school. Its so hard. My parents are coming in for counseling sessions, and its so weird. My Dad came into see me , and I'm pretty sure he was high. I'm also pretty sure he was arrested last night. Cool. Cool parents. Well... yes. Its amazing. What a country we live in. My parents, who are in no position to have that title, have so much control all of a sudden. I've been on my own for 2 months, where they've neglected to give me any financial or emotional support, and now they determine who can see me at the shelter, and whether I go into Foster care. Its such bullshit. I'm more the adult here. Age is bullshit. Thats not what its about. I feel like a 35 year old trapped in a 17 year old body. ::sigh:: There is no justice. If they would just sit and listen and know me, they'd see how i'm not a dilinquent, or irresponsible or hopeless. I want to succeed, not for them, for me. I'm so much better than this. I'm worth so much more. Why can't they just step back, and seek to understand, instead of control. I'm going to fine, I'm going to be better than fine, I'm going to be great. But it needs to be my choice, my project, my life. I'm working towards the light.
Jan. 28, 2002- Happy New Year. Late. Sorry. Life is interesting, ya know? I am starting on two musical productions this year, "Something about Pink Candles for Breakfast" And "Charlie and The Chocolate Factory" both by my director David Smith. I'm really excited about it. I finally got a job! I'm working at a Pet Shop a few blocks from my house. I'm only making minimum wage... but I am making money. I'm probably going to have to pick up another job soon so I can start looking for a real home. I'm finally understanding a bit more about responsibility and what its like in "the real world". I got my report card... it sucked. I need to do my skool work. Even with working I still have plenty of time to do it, I just havent been. But I'm going to start. Its a new semester, and even if it wasnt... today IS the first day of the rest of my life, and I'm working on making every moment count. :)
Dec. 16, 2001- I'm 17 now and i'm living with this guy....

October 26, 2001- Man, Im back at my dad's. shit went down, josh and I are over... look, its me and allie!
September13, 2001- Okae, Im living at Moms again in Vacaville, back at Vanden, and Josh and I are still 2gether... but things have been tough. He doesn't believe anything I say, and its getting old. 'm tryin so hard to be patient, but man. Its not easy. I love him, but I'm wondering why he likes to mess with my head so much, like manipulating. His mom and my mom totally dont get along. Its sad. I dont know how much longer we can hang on
Summer Time Again
August16, 2001- Count down, two days b4 i go to Mexico. I cant wait. Okae bye
August 15, 2001- Heya, as of yesterday, Josh and I are back 2gether, yeah, and I leave for mexico on saturday! Hurray for that!Kae love yall bye!
August 3, 2001- Man- Two faced folks are really not cool. I'm going to cry. Pray for your enemies, dont hate them, it will only destroy you.
August 1, 2001- Kae. Church camp was really great. i had a was very uplifting. I'm so glad i went. I leave for Cheer camp day after tomorow, that will be a blast, and then it's two weeks till mexico, and 3 till school!!!! 2morrow im gettin my nails done and packing. yay. Okae, bye bye.
July 19, 2001- Riiiigghhht- Okae. Here I am in my room, just typing away becuase I can and I thinking becuse there are commercials on the raio and Im trying to ignore them becuase I dont feel like getting up and turning it down or off. Yeah, like i have said many times... ignorance bothers the hell out of me. It really does. yesh. Legally blonde is a really good movie, the end.
July 16, 2001- Heya. Yeah, driver's ed! I'm passing still and there is only one week left! YAY. Maybe I will be driving someday! SO yeah. Im just hanging out here, and I went to my mom's and I'm going to Mexico! Yay! Not a lot is new. Im writting poetry a lot more, and I read some last night at open mic in the valley, it was really cool. Poeple like... like it. Weird. Okae, enuf for now, Love yas.
*July* 2, 2001- Hey peoples. Happy July. On Saturday, I werked at Marine World and it was sorta fun. And weird, Josh was there, he who i havent thought about in ages...(riiiight) and we like got along, we even laughed and joked. For once he didnt try to make me feel like a fool. It was decent, cool even. Yeah. SO Im still really mad at my "father". Kae bye
June 26, 2001- yeah hey. My dad didnt come home tonight. its almost 11. he didnt call. whoa. cool. i hate it when he does this.he always expects me to be home when i say i will, or call, yet he gets to be a jackass. this is bs. Im going to get out of here. I hate him. love you all- Me
June 24, 2001- Yeah, summer is great. I'm at my Mom's, and just chillin. I have cheer practice 3 times a week :). I think I'm going to Mexico in August, but its still in "the werks". I've never been out of the country before, and it would be sooo sweet. I can't believe that this is a basic summary of a whole year of my life already! Time flies. I dunno if I've changed much. ::shrug:: But maybe. Man, I know I haven't talked about it much, but I really miss my Aunt Darlene, she was really a great person. She was so caring and honest. She loved me so much, it was such a shock when she died. No one saw it coming. I just wish I could have told her how much she meant to me, and how much I apreciated her. I did. I really did love her, and still do. Not a day goes by that I don't remember her, and miss her. I am so thankful of the time that we did have together. She sure did make me and everyone laugh. She always seemed to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I will treasure her humor and miss her laughter.
June 16, 2001- Yeah, hey. Wuts up? Nada here, except for the concert yesterday, the BFD. It was so awsome, there were like 20 bands there, among my favorites were Staind, New Found Glory, Pennywise, Fuel, and I don't care what anyone says about Blink-182, they totally don't suck live. They were all great.
June 11, 2001- Heya. Yesterday was my brother's 12th birthday. (Chris Jr.). He's up in the mountain's visiting grandparents, man I miss that kid. He's a really neat person, you should meet him, hes way great. I went to a concert again on Friday, it was very fun. Yeah. This week is finals! Yucky. But we get out on Thursday and then I'm going to the BFD, so that's my reward for surviving! Okie day. Enough for now. Love yas!- Lynny
JUNE 3, 2001- well, this is where I end my Skwel Journal, and start another Summer one! Okae, summer isnt officially here, but it might as well be! I'm tan, restless, and its is HOT here! So yeah, my dear friend alex decided to attemp communication with me, and it worked, it was so great, like i dunno, all these memories came back, dont you just love happy endings? I do. Yeah, mad love to all, its going to be okae.

Skewl Journal

May 31, 2001- Hey, Lynny here. Its been a while. Advice- AVOID MATT MILLER-he is not nice, he is not cool. Yeah, I just got back 4rm a play with Jenny and Sean and my lil sis, COMACAD- mad props, that was so not normal. It was this whole life and death thing, having to do with money, it was mad cool. Yeah, so i totally like these two guys, one has a gf, so whatever, but the other is soo neato. He cracks me up, but he said I was too religious, so whatever to him to. I think its pretty cool that I have beliefs, I hate guys who can't accept that. SO anyways. Hi. Im going to bed very soon, I need my beauty sleep, minus the beauty part. I get to swim 1st period 2morrow, hurray! Then, Im going to a benefit concert for the Haight and Ash Free Medical Clinic. Its going to be a lot of fun, Sat is Rancho night and Allie's going, then Sunday I think I will be vegging, and working on a World History/WC paper for the final. Im soooo on top of things, its great. I might even get some really great grades. Yeah, so bed time Love yas
May 16, 2001- Hi. things arent so good. like really not so good, i dont wanna talk about it, but it isnt my fault. im sorry.
May 15, 2001- Hi. I'm in World Cultures Class. It's mad boring. You know what I don't like? I don't like people who think they're better than other people, and George Bush. Man. How did he get elected? He can barely talk! The only ounce of respect I have for the guy, is because of the speech he made where he made fun of his "speaking abilities". Gotta respect a guy who can laugh at himself. And dude, what was up with Al Gore making out with Tipper at the democratic thingy. Dude. Gross. Who wants to see that? And Nazis. What a bunch of lack of thinking skills losers. How do you justify hate? Why would you want to? Annnnnoooyyyiiinnnggg!!! That just bothers me. Yeah. I do like people who are accepting. yeah. But not people who hate people who aren't. Everyone should just learn to get along. Do your thing, as long as the thing your doing isn't direspecting others. Others should have the same respect. There should be boxing matches at skool for people who can't get along. They did that at Pacific Grove High Skool when my Dad went there. Kids would get permission slips from parents and then suit up with gloves and head gear and just go at it. After every match, they shook hands. It was great. That's a good idea. :) Man. I feel bad for subs. They take a lot of crap. Its almost not worth trying to hold a class. Just let us do our own thing and our grades will suffer, and it'll be our fault, but don't kill yourselves over it. Okae. Next topic. topic topic topic topic topper toeless opentoed openended openminded mind power mein kampf cufflings camping summercamp summer time summerlove summer fling fling flutter butter bread table last supper Jesus religion christianiy love life truth the way the power the life the commercials commercialism capitalsim capital tall tapioca topic topic topic topic that was fun. Why do I even bother? Who reads this crap? In History we had a "socratic seminar". I talked a lit. People like what I say. I say a lot. they listened. They responded. Resonable resonable tea and crackers salt tines time television everclear cowboys i think Hawaiian hometeams no volume raw bomb poet tell me just do it so what oh my god the i sucks all your fault, what did he call me hit angry songs every thing bam bam yellow music. Yeah. By the way, Im not crazy. My shrink tells me that eveyday. Because you care. Its scary what a person's mind does when left to go off and wander. This is a perfect example. I think im going to submit this to Callum. Maybe he'll like it, or hate, or maybe delete it. ::shrug:: So this is my longest entry. I think I have been inspired to create a new random page. Love you all- Lynny
May 9, 2001- Heya, gymnastics was great, again. happy fun. So.... Drake is borinig.... but i have a crush on this guy named Chris.... but he might have a girlfriend, but he doesn't act like it, hes really sweet.... grrr i dunno. I guess I'll talk to him more... like later.... so Mothers day is sunday, i dunno, i miss my mom, but its weird. Today is my best friend from kindergarten's birthday. hurray. i wish i could call her, her name is Lisa. but i lost her number, i was friends with her last year, but i moved and we lost touch, and i remember her birthday. :( I barely know my OWN birthday, O well.
May 8, 2001- so yeah... wuts crackin hogs? i havent used that one in a long time. Life is okae. not all that exciting, but okae. ::yawn:: Im excited about seein my mom on sunday, and nikki is going to be a YEAR old.... thats amazing. I have gymnastics tomorrow. grrrr.... i hate being sick. i want this cold to go away! But yeah... dude, i miss everyone. yeah. laters alligaters
May 2, 2001- Hey guys. Sorry its been sooo long, and I did make Varsity! (huray for me!) And yeah, i just got back 4rm gymnastics. (yes, me... doing gymnastics... who'da thought?) Well anyways... I miss you guys and Hope you're all doing realllllly well. Love yas
April 12, 2001- Hey, It's yours truly. I am sooo sore from cheer practice. Try outs are tomrrow and I am going out for Varsity. I am so nervous and excited. I think it would be a blast! I've been cheering forever so it just seems natural that i continue it here, even though Im not in Vacaville. Yeah. SO thats it for now. Love yas :)
April 2, 2001- Hey, Me here.. Aquire the Fire was AWSOME!!! I am so on fire for God, and i don't want to loose that! I am so lucky to have the type of friends that i have, and I am so blessed to go to the church I go to and yeah.. it was awsome. and I am still going to prom.. with joy! After we both got asked, got dresses, and got dumped, we decided not to let it ruin us, so she asked me, and we're going to have the BEST TIME! I love you guys, u know who u are!
March 29, 2001- Okae then. Life is tough. I don't get it, Im trying. Im not a liar, i don't talk about people behind their backs. Damn, people need to lay off and stop hating,

March 27, 2001- A slight setback, damn, I really don't know why I continue to torture myself, sad really. But Aquire the Fire is this weekend and I am really looking forward to it. Yeah. And Friday I'm going to the city for a festival with some people 4rm skool. Sunday, I think I'm goin to a party. Yeah. I'm trying to keep mysef busy. SO yeah, more next time.
March 23, 2001- Yeah well, time heals that which seems unhealable, and i am slowly trying to recover. But I do have a new crush. :) Yes, I do miss my josh, but hey, things will happen when and if they're supposed to. So, as I don't think I am ready to move on yet, I do not want to ignore opportunity. Plus I bearly know these guys, and all I want right now is friendship anyway. So the saga continues...
March 14, 2001- Okae, yeah. Well it's officially over. And i don't even see how. I mean, how do you fall out of love? Love!? CAN you FALL out of LOVE? Or was it not love in the first place? And if it was, why is it so cruel? "How can my arms be so empty for what my heart still holds?"(-Musiq) Yeah. Well, his fault. I still don't see how he could could just let it end, my mind understands, but my heart won't comprehend. Over and Out.

March 12, 2001- Yeah, well josh's mom is quite mad at me. So now i dunno wuts going on with us. I guess we're over, but I it's like, it can't be. Im still... still inlove. Yeah. Pathetic, I know, but I dunno, he made me feel like the greatest person alive, and he actually loved me, or so he claimed. How can a person fall out of love? Does it happen slowly? Or do you just one day find yourself somewhere and realize, hey... Im not inlove... is that out of love? Sad. that's what it is, just plain sad. So this is broken hearted Lynny signing off for the time being, and if your inlove.... don't screw it up, and don't use love's name in vain.
February 22, 2001- Umm hey, Lynny here, Im in my history class at Drake. its mad boring... yeah. Im chillin with Allie and Tahan. Yeah. Im a little bit bored but i will survive. Kae well... umm hi. well now that allie has called me a dork, Î have an ass to kick. Kae love you.
February 20, 2001- Umm yeah. well swim team at Drake is killer. Im mad tired after practice but its great to be in the water all the time. Yeah. Josh was over this weekend and we had a good time. It was just great to see him. I think that it really doesn't matter where we go or what situation we're put in, we always end up having a pretty good time. Yeah. Well. Enough for now.
February 14, 2001- Grrrr! Wut a lame holiday. Valentines day. :( Im so bitter, its rediculous! I wish I could see my Josh... but alas I cannot. He hasn't even called or sent me an email today. So I am Sad. Josh, if you read this.... you suck. But I love you. Thats all for now. Farewell my faithful readers.

February 4, 2001- Hey Sexies, me here, the above pic is of my Dad, My Aunt Barbie, My Poppey, and My Uncle Chalmer. I luv them Mwah!.
February 3, 2001- heya, me here... life is starting to get better, thanx to my awsome friends, and new ones I have recently aquired.... (Allie) but everyone has been way supportive and i thank you all. Umm my little Nikki is gettin soooo big! She crawls and babbles and makes this adorable face that I call "the stinker face" where she bunches up her nose and wrinkles her face and starts breatheing really hard out of her nose.. it's soooo cute!!! And she also growls at the dog! She halarious! I don't know what I would do without her, she makes me laugh sooo much So yeah... Happy Late GroundHog DAY! Mwah love you all.... XOXO
January 17, 2001- Well a lot of crap has happend since the last entry I wrote. My Aunt Darlene, the one that I was closest to, passed away the day after Christmas, may she rest in Peace. I also returned to my dad's house.
December 19, 2000- Yo there. This is Lynny. Thanksgiving was.... interesting... yeah.... and I turned 16 FINALLY! on the 11th. So it's official.... I have the right to imacipate myself.... anyways... Count down to Christmas... exactly 6 days left, are you ready???? I haven't even started yet, we bearly have our tree up. Well I hope everyone has a great X- Mas and New Year, and between Turkey, gifts and parties, try to remember the True Meaning of Christmas. Take Care and Be Safe!
November 24, 2000- Well I hope every one isn't too sick after Turkey Day. I had a perty good time. All my cuzins were really fun and yeah, I'm tired so I'm gonna take a nap, laters
November 22, 2000- Heya. One more day until Trukey Day. Yippee Skippee. Yeah, Anyways. I am outta skool until Monday, starting today. I did perty much nothing today, as I am getting quite good at that. :) I will be spending my Thanksgivng at my dad's house. Hurray. I dyed my hair with Punky Color on Sunday. It's "Mandarin", aka "pinkish-redish-orange, or "Not blonde". I think my dad is goin to kill me, but oh well. The Count Down Continues.... 19 more days until I am 16 years of age. People like me shouldn't be aloud to be 16, or grow up for that matter. But hey it's a cruel world. So this is Lynny saying ....until next time.... Farewell
November 8, 2000- What is up? Hehe, yeah. It's Wednesday night, at like 7:45.... i think. Today was kinda boring. I "kicked it" ::does foot thing:: with Whitney today. She's perdy needo. Yeah. I was kinda tired, but yeah. I am going to my dad's house this weekend to visit everyone. I get to see my Lil Nikki and all my cuzins and family. i am lookin 4ward to this. So yeah. Farewell. ::Mwah::
November 6, 2000- Heya. Lynny here. Josh and I are... well we're over. As of thursday the 2. Sad but true. We're still friends.... I think. (But knowing me I'll crawl my pathetic self back to him eventually and beg for forgiveness.) I saw Charlie's Angels On Saturday with Camie and Tristan. It was hecka good! You hafta go see it! But yeah. Vanden is pretty okae now, and my grades are not that bad. Yippeee. :) So... my birthday is coming up... sorta. okae, so I've got more than a month... but yeah. that's it for now. Love you!
Summer Journal

10/8/2000- Hey there.... no I didn't 4get about everyone.... it's been a long... uhh month. I moved back in with my mom in "paparoachville" and everything is going better. I am at Vanden High again... whoopi. But goin back to church here is awsome! I am dating Josh again... :) So I am happy I'm sure you'll be glad to hear. SO yeah... keep it real, baby-bee. Mwah

8/28/2000- Well than... this is no longer summer break!!! School started for me last Thursday.... yipes! It is now day 3 of back to school! It was hard to adjust the first two days... i came home, did my homework... and went strait to bed. I have been exhausted for the last week. I miss all of my buddies 4rm home, and I hope you'll all write to me again. My sister is gettin big, she ate her first solid food yesterday(it was rice cereal!) She didn't like it much, but it was good for her to taste it. Well, I guess I should go, take care ::mwah::
8/7/2000- Okay then, Lynny here, as always, I just got back 4rm visiting my mom. It was so great to see all of my buddies, but sadly I don't think I'll be back any time soon. My Aunt is doin well, thanx for the prayers. ::mwah::
7/31/2000- Yo, it's been a while since I updated everyone, so here I am, doin my thang... I just got back from my second trip to the cabin, it was great, I spent a whole week there, just me, my family and the trees. It was great to go out on the lake tubing, but my arms are soo sore. I am goin to visit my mom starting tomorrow, but we are goin to the hospital for my aunt's surgery...PLEASE PRAY that all goes well :) So yeah, I will visit my mom for the week and then I might go to camp, and then school starts on the 23rd of August for me. I will be going to school down here with my Daddy, so I won't go to Vanden, sorry guys. I hope everything is okay with everyone. Keep in touch, mad love to you all.
7/5/2000- So hey, happy late Independence Day! I hope everyone got to see fireworks... even tho i didn't! I get my braces off tommorrow! Hurray! This summer is going by both too slow and too fast, I can't wait to get back to cow town, but i don't want to go back to skool.... so yeah, enough of that. Farewell...
6/26/2000- Umm yeah, it's me. I miss everyone so much, but things are great here. I just got back from our cabin on Lake Pilsberry, did a lot of water tubing, got a great tan and I enjoyed being in the woods. Uh huh, so yeah, if you're reading this jess, I don't want your dickies!!!!! I miss you and I'm sorry you're mad at me and there is nothing I can do about it, but you're my best friend in the world and you always will be. Yeah. Okay, so I'll write again soon, e- mail me people, love you.
6/19/2000- Heya, Lynny here, as you might expect, yeah. I am at my dad's for the summer. It's nice here, and it is quiet, despite little Nicole. So I will be here until atleast August, but I may even go to school here. SO keep in touch, best wishes. ::mwah!!::
6/8/2000- Okie Dokie, hey there. This summer(2000) could be a busy one. I will probably spend the majority of my time at my dad's house, near SF. Yeah, so I won't be at home much but keep in touch and stuff through e- mail and stuff, yeah.
