In this episode: Bonjour! Flatus Show listeners. Last week John insisted that I had internet boyfriends, one of which was Joe G from the Bored Beyond Belief podcast. However, Joe emailed me and told ge wasn't. I was shocked, so I am recruiting internet boyfriends. Listen for the announce for information on how you can be one of my internet boyfriends. Please note that woman can be my internet boyfriend as well. Besides this I have a Brenda Starr segment, a Bible segment and audio from my trip to Podcamp Boston 2. I have another 5 minute mystery for you and a Little Audrey segment. I'd love to hear from you so please call the comment line. Please take a few minutes to write a review for The Flatus Show at iTunes. Thank you. Phone me at 206 984-3617 and leave a voice comment. Come to my store and help support The Flatus Show. Tell your friends, this is the new media isn't it?. This and more. Please see the links below for topic information.
The Flatus Show 113

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License.
The Flatus Show Store
Deep Flatus podcast
Creative Commons
Bored Beyond Belief podcast
2 Guys, 1 Brain podcast
For Whatever Reason podcast
Zillafag podcast
Bible Gateway
Robert Frost
Internet Archive
If you want to be part of the show [and Jose would like that] you can reach me at: or call me at (206) 984-3617
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Hilo model # 2656, Tenor Uke! I love this instrument! Click HERE to buy yourself a Ukulele!
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