My Picture Page
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My Picture Page

The Serious Grant, yea right.

The Sexy Grant. Whatever!

Cool Hip Grant.

The party Grant and friends. Dont ask.

Me and SLU 2000 Grad. Being a music major you have to do this crap.

What I look like at 21. :)

Get me while im HOT. and don't make me flex....hehe I dont wanna hurt myself.

The new laid back Grant. :)

Me and my brother.

Me and my brother at the coolest concert ever.


Tipsy Grant

"Music Though Section"

Empires Collapse, wars and politics are forgotten or romanticized, families are divided and lost, history is revised, but music - ephemeral though it seems - endures. For music is thought and can be remembered. Dictators may burn manuscripts, ban performances, and destroy recordings - but as long as someone remembers, music edures.
By Bruce Adolphe

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