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This page is dedicated to my favorite local hardcore bands. If you have a band, zine, label or site and would like me to include your webpage URL just e-mail me or sign the guestbook.

If you want to see just the pics, go to the links and open up the band links. All my pics and others are on the first page. There should be a link to that band's site, too. Note: All photographs are taken by me unless otherwise noted. Reproduction is not permitted without my permission.

This pic was taken at the Auburn Annex on Sunday February 20, 2000.

BOOKING - I do booking at the Paradox, but I also have contacts for the Washington and Oregon areas plus some others. You can e-mail me at or one of the other e-mail addys at the bottom of the page. I also have put the shows I do up on my site at Seattle Shows. You can also check them out on and

Finally got some photos up in my online portfolio. Check it out: My Portfolio


Kari sent me some great Reach the Sky and AFI photos. Check them out. (1/15)

Got some awesome Good Clean Fun photos sent to me by the same kid. You should check them out. They're on the links page. (1/15)

I finally got my Left With Nothing photos back from a show last month! You really should check these out! I have another half roll of them, too, so check back later for the rest. (1/15)

I've been sent a couple of awesome Bane photos from this guy out East. You might want to check them out. I've also (finally) added my portfolio to my site. You can check it out, too. (1/14)

I've been adding links like crazy. I've added a bunch of local and non-local bands as well as label links and other site links. Check it out. (12/11)

Added one Hope Conpsiracy photo from the show on December 4th. Had a problem with the flash, but I'll have black and white photos later this month after I get my darkroom set up. (12/10)

Changed some stuff on the links page. I think it'll be easier to find what you're looking for now. (12/4)

Updated Champion's website link. (10/29)

The rest of the Sante Sangre photos are up. I also have Countervail photos up from their show here on September 29th. (10/10)

I re-scanned all the Countervail photos from last January cause they sucked and now they look tons better. Don't forget that Countervail is coming back this Saturday the 29th @ the Paradox at 6pm. (9/25)

I have Left With Nothing photos now from July. I had forgotten I had them until last week and they're up on their page. I also have Sky Came Falling and some Sante Sangre photos up. More photos of Sante Sangre will be up soon. I haven't finished that role of film yet. (9/25)

I'm back from tour. I probably won't be updating this page too much from now on. The only photography I'll probably be doing will be for out of town bands. If you want me to take photos of your band, just ask cause I'm totally willing to help out. (9/3)

Photos of Everything Went Black's last show are up. (7/18)

I won't have Raft of Dead Monkeys photos up because they didn't turn out for some reason. Sorry guys. Eventually I'll have some new photos up. I need to drop off some film today. (7/8)

I now have Left With Nothing and Embrace Today photos up. Embrace Today . I should have Raft of Dead Monkeys photos up soon as well. (6/8)

Sorry for the lack of updates. I've been super busy with school and my new band and I just haven't had the time to get photos developed and scanned in. I should have Left With Nothing and Embrace Today photos up by this weekend. I should also have Raft of Dead Monkeys Photos up soon, too. (6/5)

There are THROWDOWN color and B&W photos up. Throwdown pics . (4/15)

There are new black and white photos up for BANE, Hexadecimal and Left With Nothing. (4/8)

There are new Harkonen photos up from their show on Sunday March 25th. (3/28)

There are new Left With Nothing, Countless Sins and Champion photos up. There might be a couple more Champion photos coming later this week and once I can get into the photo lab, there will be black and white photos of LWN. (3/26)

My name is Brandy a.k.a spitfire. If you want to know anything ABOUT ME.

E-mail for website or other HC info: INFO

E-mail me for photos: PHOTOS

E-mail me for booking: XBOOKINGX

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Brandy Barker 2000