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The Best Website In Sports Entertainment Today

Whats up? This is Ryan and this is my website. I know it's not the best, but it's something. I live in Bremond and I go to school there. The school is alright and we are pretty good in sports. We are located right between Bryan/College Station and Waco. Anyways, I like to play sports and I like to go out and party with my friends. There's never much going on around here, but we make it interesting. So if you wanna talk to me online, catch me on aol instant messenger sometime on poppa6969.

Lingos 3:16

My Pictures

My Movies Oh yeah. Well Christmas is over and the Lingos's still have their Christmas lights up. Pretty damn stupid huh? I don't think they are ever coming down either. So if you still wanna see their lights, drive on out, they are still there and will probably be there for a while. Later!