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Poporchestra's Encyclopedia of Musicians

Alpert, Herb:      World famous trumpeter.  Best selling act with the Tijuana Brass early 1960's to early 70's.  This group had an     upbeat sound featuring two trumpets, one tunes just slightly flat.  Co-Founder of A&M records, founder of Almo Sounds label.  Currently issuing "smooth jazz" albums.  Dore 1960 A&M 1961-1993, Almo Sounds 1993-

Amore, Don:  At least one album issued under this name by RCA Custom under the "Hi-Fi Living" series.  String-heavy latin orchestra. RCA Custom 1957

Anthony, Vico:  Record released under this name for the budget Tops label, using Italian traditional tunes and instrumentation, and Latin  and Swing rhythms.  It's actually quite good.  Tops 1958

Atkins, Chet:      Prolific guitarist/producer.  Head of RCA's Nashville operations for years.  Both revered and hated, his albums range from mediocre to outstanding.  RCA Victor 1949-1981, RCA Camden 1960-1963, Columbia 1983-1997

Baja Marimba Band:  Spinoff of Herb Alpert and the TJB.  Featuring marimba instead of trumpet, but the sound is much the sameAlmo International 1965, A&M 1965-1971

Baker, Buddy:  Specialty Records first 33 was issued by this orchestra leader.  String heavy and nearly rhythmless.  Specialty 1952

Baxter, Terry:  Orchestra leader active in late 60's.  Covered many of the top hits of the day.  Often added a chorus to his arrangements.  Columbia House 1968

Bay, Francis:  Bandleader specializing Latin rhythms, late 50's early 60's.  His Omega LP's are technically stunning.  Omega 1958, Columbia 1960

Black, Bill:  Small combo leader.  Had a number of hits in the 60's.  After Black's death, his combo continued to release albums into the mid 70's, experimenting with different arrangements and formats.  Hi 1962-1970, Columbia 1973, Mega 1974

Black, Stanley:   British Pianist and arranger.  Helped popularize the latin orchestra and latin rhytms.  Made a number of great albums in the 50's and 60's.  London 1952-1962

Brass Ring, The:  A spinoff on the Tijuana Brass phenomonem.  Had a couple of minor hits in the late 60's, as the TJB was becoming more adventuresome musically.

Briarcliff Strings:  Issued at least three albums in the early 60's for Harmony.  Columbia records answer to the Living Strings?  Harmony 1960-1961

Byrd, Jerry:  Steel guitar player, prominent Nashville studio musician.  Monument 1961

Caiola, Al:  Prominent session guitarist.  Also recorded a number of albums under his own name.  Worked extensively with Enoch Light.  Unart 1968

Calvert, Eddie:  British Trumpeter.  Big 1953 hit with "O Mein Papa."  Columbia (South African) 1963

Campbell, Glenn.  Famous Pop/country singer.  First released instrumental albums featuring virtuoso guitar playing.  Briefly a member of the Beach Boys.  Captiol 1962-1979

Carle, Frankie:  Pop pianist.  Columbia 1952-1954, RCA Camden 1962, RCA Victor 1964

Carroll, David:  Mercury house orchestra leader.  Half sweet swing, half easy listening.  Mercury 1955-1964

Castle, Jo Ann:  Ragtime pianist with longtime association with Lawrence Welk.  Dot 1959-1963

Chacksfield, Frank:  British orchestra leader along the lines of Mantovani.  London 1953-1960, Omega 1980

Claderman, Richard:  European pianist, heavy reliance on arppegios.   Usually featured with full orchestra.  VERY popular in South America.  Columbia 1976-1988

Clark, Roy:  Famous Country guitarist, banjoist, and vocalist.  "Hee Haw" host.  Released at least two very good instrumental albums in the late 1960's.  Four Star 1956, Dot, 1966-1969,  ABC 1970-1974.

Cole, Jerry:  Released a country-ish instrumental album for Crown.  A budget production, and it shows.  Crown 1966

Cole, Nat "King":  Although most famous as a vocalist, and earlier as a bop pianist, Cole released a few piano instrumentals in the 1960's which can only be classified as "easy listening."  Capitol 1946-1964

Cramer, Floyd:  Famous Country Pianist.  Not the creator of the Nashville piano sound, but it's foremost proponent.  Omnipresent session musician.  Started as a Honky-Tonk pianist ala Crazy Otto.  Although only styled as county, in fact a versitile musician.  Abbott 1954-56, RCA Victor 1958-1982

Davis, Danny and the Nashville Brass:  Upbeat instrumental group featuring, of course, brass instruments.  Of all the brass groups, this one owed the least to Herb Alpert's TJB.  Their best selections are bluegrass influenced.  RCA Victor 1969-1975

Dee, Lenny:  Pop/country organist.  1950's work tended to be solo organ with guitar and drums.  1960's material also tended to feature an orchestra, sometimes with chorus.  Far removed from Jesse Crawford or Ken Griffith, his work is rarely boring, and often flat out swings.  Decca 1951-1971, MCA 1971-1974

Denny, Martin:  Perhaps the most important proponent of "exotica" music.  Lots of vibraphone with bird calls.  Liberty 1959-1966, Sunset 1965

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