Natural Order Of Societies Evil
The N.O.O.S.E. is dedicated to exposing the darkest parts of the human mind,body,and soul.We all have an ability to act evil if we choose to see it as being evil.Most people choose to ignore their evil deeds through scapegoats;god, satan,or just blaming others. We at N.O.O.S.E. believe we are our own saviors,and only through recognision of our own 'so-called' sins we take the responsibility of them and their actions/reactions towards ourselves and/or others. This allows us to use our guilt in a positive and constructive manner.We are always attempting to better ourselves.Not in the eyes of others,but for self-gratification.[Just because we're destined to die doesn't mean we can't make the best of it.] by: GOF/hEllbOUnd/methMONSTER