here is a newspaper article we clipped out of the newspaper back in 1997.
by;Chris Ramirez/tribune staff writer Residents on the lower north side blame a group of self-proclaimed young satanists for an increase in crime in their neighborhood, and are calling for more police surveilance of their homes. "I makes me mad as Hades that there's a Hades house in this neighborhood," one resident said at an informal residents meeting on tuesday. Renters and homeowners, saying they are tired of perceived drug trafficking and other illegal activities in the area, told district 7 neighborhood council chairwoman Dona Stebbins that they want to set up a neighborhood watch program. Residents, who request anonymity, told a police officer they witnessed crimes in the area ranging from minors in possession of alcohol to animal cruelty to drug manufacturig. One resident also said he'd seen teen girls soliciting, although no arrests for prostitution have been made. Officer bill brooks, a special projects officer assigned to downtown, said police have been monitoring activity there more closely since the discovery last month of a skinned and bloody cat carcas in a resident's back yard, The animal apparently had been beaten to death, tossed into a plastic shopping bag and discarded onto an unsuspecting neighbor's property. A juvinile boy was charged in that case, brooks said. It also was around that time that fliers were circulated in the neighborhood by a group calling itself the Natural Order of Societies Evil, or NOOSE in the fliers, NOOSE promotes itself as "a satanic cult with a satanic foundation and a satanic grudge against christian america." The group listed a lower northside apartment as its address. Brooks said the group is made up of juviniles and young adults who experiment with drugs and alcohol, contrary to traditional satanist practice. According to Brooks, satanists are told to abstain from mind-numbing intoxicants because "they challenge a person's will." Traditional satanists also don't conduct live sacrifices, he said. "They're {local group} just dabbling in it," Brooks said. "They just think it's cool to dress the way they {traditional satanists} do and look the way they do."
now this is all bullshit, just a reporter trying to get a story. the dude who killed the cat wasn't a member of the N.O.O.S.E. A couple months later he tried to kill his girlfriend,he was a sick individual,he spent like a year in a youth corretional facility now he's a gangsta bitch. As for the drug nanufacturing we were never charged.There was always minors in possession of alcohol. The prostition was one of the neighbors,we had nothing to do with that,although once the police came to arrest some runaway girls and hEllbOUnd made a joke about how we wouldn't be able to make anymore money.The police didn't think that was funny.we only put up one flier and somehow it ended up getting copied and put up all over the city.the cruelest we ever were is we had a rat[dyed blue] and FATchris o.d.it on LSD.then we kept it for a couple of months.it was our pet dead rat.we didn't have to feed or clean up after it plus it quit biting and chicks liked it better than they liked FATchris. also we are not a satanic cult, we just have some of the same beliefs. as for the crime,blame it on the little indian G-wannabes.