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What We Would Like To Happen One Day


Sometimes when we love someone, we like to show people how intense and truly our feelings are. Some people like to give flowers, other like to write a song or a poetry. But we like to write, write stories. Things that we'd like to happen a day, dreams that we have, thoughts that we share with friends....
Our ideas come as fast as a lightning. They come when we're talking to friends on the phone, listening to a song, at barbecues...well, at all kind of places and all types of occasions.
Here you'll find some of these ideas that me and some of my friends wrote. It's under construction, like all parts of this page, but you can be sure that we're doing our best. If you want, can send me your story and I'll be very happy to put it here.

Unfortunately, we decided not to put our stories here anymore. We're working on a new site just for our stories. Depending, we'll even host stories...if you're one of the readers and want the next chapters, send us an email and we'll send the chapters. Luv Ya All, Celly & Bel.

Don't Forget That
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