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An Unilateral Love Story

About Me

I know this is a boring part every home page, but it's necessary.I'm an 18 years old brazilian girl that fell in love with the Backstreet Boys.I can split my Backstreet Story in two parts:before and after December 1997.Before this date,exactly in October 1996, I was at a news stand when I saw a german magazine.I bought it because that time I was in love with a british group called Take That.The BSB were on the cover of this magazine and,in the beggin,I thought they were trash.I forgot them for months when, in December 25 1997 they were singing at Disney.The song was "As long as you love me" and I instantly fell in love with Nick.That night I couldn't sleep well but before going to bed, I took my old magazines and got really amazed when I discovered that I had so many things about them.In the morning, I spent the whole day watching the tape that I recorded and singing with them.Months passed and I got more and more in love with them.Nick was my favorite, I loved all of them, but I couldn't accept AJ's style.He was "ridiculous, odd, disgusting" in my opinion.Never would I like that guy.My friends used to poke fun on me,saying that he'd be the only one to give me attention on the concerts.There was more to come...
In December 1998,I saw a TV show with them on MTV.I started to look AJ in a different way.His jokes,his way of looking the others made me rethink some things."Was AJ stealing my heart?", that was my thought.I didn't tell my friends, but more and more he was on mind.Nick was only a blonde baby that I thought was my favorite.One day,I got myself signing "MCLEAN".I got anazed,but I liked that.It sounded good,really.
Secretly, I started to change my posters on my walls, my thoughts about him.I got myself defending him,his ideas,his haircuts, and even his tatoos.One day, I decided to tell everybody that AJ was my favorite.It was a shock to my closer girfriends,that were accustomed to call me "Frack Girl" and now call me "Bone Girl".
But now everything is under control.Since January 19,1999 my heart is AJs.I decided to make this home page as a tribute to them.It's a way to show people that I love and support them, and that's a way to say "THANK YOU", because with them, I got many and special friends and got many good moments with them.There are things I can't really understand but it's their lives and we have to accept it.I hope you like it and always keep the Backstreet pride alive,because wherever they go,whatever they do,their hearts will always be with us.
At last,but not least,my name is Marcela.I'll try to scan a pic of me and my friends but there's nothing guaranteed,ok?Enjoy the page!!!
Don't Forget That
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