If you have any suggestions for this news section, mail to
25-06-2000: Ok, met de bovenstaande woorden tracht ik een korte bondige omschrijving van het befaamde Graspop te schetsen. Een brute treinreis (nee ik ga niet verder op de details in...) met veel drank, droge aankomst, tent opgezet (god-verdomme wat stond ie scheef heheh) gezopen, naar except en UDO, gezopen, gezopen, gezopen.
Zaterdag: de consequenties van het gezuip, een meermalig bezoek aan s'werelds ranzigste dixie's, een brute Entombed, een geniale Testament en een nog veeeel genialere Slayer, een fijn optreden van Samael (hehe...), Apocalyptica wat na 3 minuten niet meer boeide, My Dying Bride lekker log zoals altijd (wel een slechte toetseniste), gothic
vleermuisjes van Sins of thy beloved (had voor mij niet
hoeven komen...), gezopen (bijna vergeten...), Geen
Xavier een onbevlekte ontvangenis gezien bij God Dethroned; waarschijnnlijk mijn schuld (wegens het vele gezuip..hehe), een brute Maiden met veel special effects (maar jezus zeg, die gitarist mag echt wel een iets minder patserige act neerzetten), veel tenten in de fik gestoken, gezopen, vroeg-naar-tent-gaande mede-festival gangers wakker gemaakt met de melding dat hun tent in de fik stond (heheh...).
Zondag: nog meer tents in de fik gestoken, totdat er twee irritante Belgische ventjes aankwamen die het geniale vuur doofden...
Kortom; geniaal.
31-05-2000:I've changed the Smashageboard, cause
Bravenet really sucks! I hope the new one will be
more visited...
14-05-2000:Carnage in Manifesto was fucking great!
I must say I liked Zymothic; cool old school death...
Guido, vocals from former Saga Inferna did one song
with NecroVile (kill the Christians from Deicide).
Hamerhawk fucking rules!!!! They really gave a good
show and kicked some asses. Together with some firework effects (on the same day as Enschede...)and
a drumcage the show was excellent. Especially the
cover from Motorhead.
05-05-2000:I've updated some pictures of Necrovile,
brutal death-metal from Holland...
25-04-2000:Yesterday No Mercy Festival 2000 took place at 013 - Tilburg. The festival started with
Hate Eternal, just fucking great death-metal the
way it should be played! Vader also sounded pretty
heavy. Cannibal Corpse was just fabulous! They did
kick some serious ass! Couldn't see much of Marduk, cause the lust for some snacks was too great... Also missed Immortal. The headliner of No Mercy 2000 was Deicide. One of my favourites. Glen made an evil impression with his sm-alike-outfit. Brian Hoffman seemed to got rid of his hair, too bad...
11-04-2000:Some more bands are almost certain to
play on the 'CARNAGE IN MANIFESTO' festival;
Rottus, Necrovile, Her Enchantment, Prejudice, Pyaemia,
Zymotic, Warlust, Deitys Flesh (ovb), Aborted (ovb), Sad Iron, In Ruins.
10-04-2000:Saturday April 8, there was a fucking
brutal death-metal night in Impulse, Wormerveer. Among
the bands were Necroligy, Necrovile, Deitys Flesh, Omnius Dusk and some more...
2-04-2000:Carnage in Manisto, a one-day metalfest
in Hoorn, has released some info about the bandlist.... The following
bands will perform at the 13th of May: Hamerhawk and Necrovile. More news to follow!
28-03-2000: I noticed my Anti-Christ page was totally fucked up... Instead of the former page, the frontpage of
Death-metal & Blasphemy appeared. I fixed it, so if
you haven't visited the page (it's quite old... so
I'm a little ashamed of the simple interface), go
25-03-2000: Necrovile, the most brutal U.S. Death-metal band from the Netherlands
performed in Manifesto, Hoorn. This is music I like to hear more! Pulverizer was at his best that night! The Ultra-fast and brutal drumms
in addition with brutal guitars and their new singer Jorg were real heavy! I hope this band will get a record-deal soon, cause they deserve it.
Necrovile is a mix between Cannibal Corpse and Deicide. The pictures will be added soon (under 'the creators' link).
22-03-2000: Saga Inferna has died. After three years, this black/death metal band from the Netherlands layed down. Marc v/d Bos and
Johan de Graaff, 'The evil count' had started the band in 1997. Soon Guido (vocals) and Walter, 'Pulverizer' (drums) joined. After a while
Bjorn, 'Necro' (bass) and SebAsTiaAN, 'Lord Brutus Anabolus' (synthesizers) completed the band. Suddenly, in the end of 1999, Marc and Johan
left the band, because of internal reasons. This was certainly a hard time for Saga Inferna; after playing with some new guitarists, Remco v. Swieten and
Dian entered S.I. Walter left the band when Paul ('het onbetrouwbare drumwonder') joined. But Paul never came back after the first session! What followed next is
looking for new drummers. These new drummers were 'Stickmaster D', Sander (de 'Dukdalf') and The Almeight Lord Alcoholus (a good friend of us). The former members of Saga Inferna,
Guido, Necro and Lord Brutus Anabolus are still looking for musicians to begin a new project...