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this is under major construction but ill start a little anyways... I have seen Fuel 9 times and have met them 6 times...they r soooo great!!!

the memebers of Fuel are....

Brett Scallions-guitar lead vocals

Carl Bell-guitar background vocals

Jeff Abercrombie-bass

Kevin Miller-drums

ok now some pics i took...

Worcester Palladium

Worcester, MA


Bristol, RI 4/26/01

erica and i with kevin and jeff:

Boston, MA 11/29/00

yaaay my 1st pics with Jeff and Kevin!!

erica, kevin, me

me, jeff, erica

i think he was a tad drunk this night...

see the 2 top black braclets?? thats mine and jess'!!

brett has a hole in his crotch... lol :)

he's putting on braclets the crowd threw at him during "sunday girl" me and jess just kinda passed them to him and he put them on hehehe, one time when we met him we gave him braclets and he put them on yay:)



main page
fuel's official site
