Willy Wonka 2112

This is another pretty cool Synch by the progressive rock band Rush. Sure, it's no Dark Side of Oz but its cool. All ya need is Rush's 1976 release of "2112" and the movie "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory". About 44-45 minutes into the movie, when Wonka is walking out of the factory to greet his fans, he is walking with a limp and cane. At one point he sticks the cane in the ground, after which, he GRABS for it TWICE. As soon as he's grabbing the SECOND TIME, start "2112". Here's what will happen: (Source: The Rush/Wonka Project)

As the swirly, spacy noises of the "Overture" passage of the song begins, Willy does his somersault and the crowd goes nuts.

Various musical passages and "phases" coincide with body and facial movements on screen. Here's a few examples:

Greeting of the guests at the gate is pretty interesting...

Shouting amongst the actors goes nicely with the various instruments

Watch the scene where the "hat & coat racks" grab the guests garb...

As Willy draws back the curtain to reveal the poster board sized contract the kids must sign to get in, Alex's guitar solo near the end of "Overture" kicks in.

Charlie is signing the contract as the first words of the song are uttered: "And the meek shall inherit the earth..."

Then "Temples Of Syrinx" begins *exactly* when the contract signing is over and the entourage makes their way to the hallway.

The lyrics "One for all and all for one, we work together common son..." are sung while everyone are pushing and shoving inside the "miniature" hallway.

"Temples Of Syrinx" ends..."Discovery" begins *exactly* when the large door is open into the candy paradise. Needless to say, the waterfall sounds on the song, coupled once again with the lyrics, is an amazing display when see in this light.

Actions, music, and lyrics continue to coincide:

Willy's cane action is in sync with the acoustic guitar

As the lyrics "What can this strange device be, when I touch it it gives forth a sound" are sang, Willy touches the little gunslinger's hair and strokes it, then:

As the lyrics "It's got wires that vibrate and give music" are uttered, Willy plucks a hair from the boy's head and let's it flutter to the ground.

As the entourage makes their way to the bottom of the steps, Willy bows and the guests disperse into the paradise *exactly* the moment the guitar picks up its tempo.

The lyrics "...and notes that fall gently like rain..." coincide *exactly* with Willy shaking a tree with his cane and gumballs fall.

During both the "Presentation" and "Oracle: The Dream" passages of the song, the lyrics sing of the ancient history of the story, while at the same time on screen, Willy relates the tale of the Oompah Loompahs ("Presentation") and the Oompah Loompahs exit into the underground.

"Oracle: The Dream" ends..."Soliloquy" begins *exactly* as the boat on the river appears from out of a tunnel. Willy and the guests climb aboard and slowly start floating.

"Soliloquy" ends..."The Grand Finale" begins *excactly* as the boat enters the tunnel. If you are already familiar with "2112" (assuming that everyone reading this is already familiar with Willy), you know that the fast tempo of the music here is made infinitely more intense by the trippy show that appears in the tunnel!!!

As the music becomes increasingly more intense, building to its bombastic conclusion, Willy's face becomes "WILDER" (sorry, I had to do it!)...the light show in the tunnel is *especially* in sync with the music! The synthetic voice at the end says "Attention all planets of the solar federation..." *four* (4) times...then:

Right as the words "We have assumed control" are uttered for the *first* (1st) time, the strange and trippy boat ride suddenly ends. The song's remaining few seconds grinds to halt. You will simply be exhausted, but press on...

Here's an interesting side note about the last lines of the song:

"Attention all planets of the solar federation" is said a total of THREE times... There are seven (7) words in that line Seven times Three (7 x 3) equals = 21

"We have assumed control" is said a total of THREE times... There are four (4) words in that line Four times Three (4 x 3) equals = 12


HOWEVER, the fun doesn't stop there!!

As "A Passage To Bangkok" begins, the first words of the song are "Our first stop is in Bogata"...coincides pretty nicely with the passengers exiting the boat!

"A Passage To Bangkok" is about visiting "ports of call" (Lebanon, Afghanistan, Katmandu, just to name a few) in search of the best quality marijuana. It's ironic to hear lyrics like "Wreathed in smoke..." and "Smoke rings fill the air..." with the smoke coming from various machines inside the laboratory. Pay attention to the smoke rings coming from one particular machine.

"The Twilight Zone" plays during the Everlasting Gobstopper scene. If you recall, Mr. Slugworth was supposedly wanting the children to betray Wonka and give him one of these candies...the opening stanza of the tune: A pleasant faced man steps up to greet you, He smiles and says he's pleased to meet you, Beneath his hat the strangeness lies Take it off, he's got three eyes Truth is false and logic lost Now the fourth dimension is crossed

In fact, and I don't mean to be so over-the-top mystically speaking, but the chorus of "The Twilight Zone" is appropo for the entire *Willy Wonka's 2112* experience: You have entered the Twilight Zone Beyond this world strange things are known Use the key, unlock the door See what your fate might have in store Come explore your dream's creation Enter this world of imagination

"Lessons" plays while Violet is taught one when she chews the magic "dinner" gum and turns into a blueberry. The Oompah Loompahs then sing their own "lesson" song.

"Lessons" ends right as Charlie & Grandpa Joe start floating from drinking "fizzy lifting" drinks. The song "Tears" then begins and it is unbelievably *beautiful* to hear while the Charlie & Grandpa float to the ceiling. Notice the lyrical and chorus-to-stanza changes in sync with the rise to the top, then:

As the scene changes from the fizzy lifting drink room, the next shot we see is a close-up of Willy's face with his eyes in a happy, upward stare...the final words of "Tears" here are sang at this precise moment: Would it touch you deeper Than tears that fall from eyes That know why?

The final song on the CD, "Something For Nothing", plays during Veruca's tirade over wanting a golden egg laying goose. Alex's guitar solo in the middle is awesome enough by itself, but when you hear it during Veruca's assault on the laboratory, it's unreal...then Geddy's voice kicks in *exactly* when she begins singing again! Both she and her father fall down the "reject" chute...then the song (and consequently, the CD) ends close to when the Oompa Loompahs finish their "lesson" song.