
11-02-09 - Housekeeping finished. All links should be working and up-to-date. Have started work on rebuilding the fanfiction page and put up what I've got. In the process of re-building this puppy, I've come across some new sites I didn't know existed or have re-emerged from the chaotic muck that is the internet. So any new stuff I find will be added as I find it. The link total right now I'm foggy on 'cause of all the stuff I had to take down or add. I'll have an updated count sometime. Also added a Livejournal Community page since it seems like a lot of the fandom has moved here. This page is still growing.

10-30-09 - I've been contemplating taking this site down and putting something else up. I've moved on to other fandoms (*cough* Stargate *cough* *NCIS* *cough* Sentinel *cough*), but I've decided to keep plugging for a bit more when I've got free time. We'll see what happens. As for what's new this time around, it's just basically housekeeping since Geocities bit the dust. I'm clearing out broken links and updating them when possible. I'm contemplating rebuilding the fanfiction page, but housekeeping comes first. We'll see how long this site keeps my interest up. So yeah, back to housekeeping...

5-5-07 - I've somehow managed to completely erase my fanfiction link page, one of my largest ones. *groan* I can't believe I did that! *bangs head hard* So I'll have to rebuild that one. I've taken the link down until I can remake the page as it only goes to the personal page anyway. *sigh*

3-23-2007- Re-added an old link and took down a further 16 that I missed when I was cleaning house on the 13th. Am about halfway to two thirds done with the last updated notations. I've got some new sites to add soon in the wings, too. For the mailing list pages, I've started taking off the lists that haven't been posted on in two years, pretty much the dead ones. I'm mainly seeing a lot of spamming so any list with lots of that have been taken down. I can only cringe when I see the link total after these take offs and we're not done yet. *sigh* Cleaning house can be painful....

3-15-2007 - Added on 27 more sites and re-added one. Added a couple links in the other links section. Switched over one link from doujinshi to fanart. I guess I wasn't paying attention when I linked that one years and years ago. *sweatdrop* Also started posting up the last updated notes in 1x2. Will continue in this within the next week.

3-13-07 - Nothing too major right now. I've just gone through the links and weeded dead ones and fixed links that have changed address. I'm planning a couple more updates within the next week that'll include some new sites and last updated notes so you'll know if the sites are actually alive or just twitching like my webpage sometimes. *sweatdrop*

7-29-06 - Just a little update in my personal stuff, my thoughts on different animes. Nothing too big. Not even really worthy of an update notice.... I'm just bored I guess. ^^

7-1-06 - It lives!!!!!! *gasp of shock* GWYH is back and a new look all around and some new links!! I've added 58 new links and cleared out the dead ones. I've rearranged banners and text links and just generally picked up the website. I've resurrected the GWYH Site of the Month Awards and just made it the GWYH Site Awards. I haven't got a winner for this update, but I'll be working on that. I'm going to try updating this page more often and beat my past history. We'll just have to see what happens. Hope you enjoy the new links and please drop a note in my guestbook or by e-mailing me. Thank you!!

6-14-05 - Just removed a link from the fanfiction section on the request of the webmistress. Nothing major today. Enjoy!

6-13-05 - *sweatdrop* I started working on this update in the last week of May..... didn't take me long to finish did it? ^^;; 136 new links for ya with four of them being re-adds. Yet, I had to take roughly a quater of the rest of the links down because of dead sites. ;_; Really made me sad. But I guess that's life. I added a new layout, kinda like the old one, but a bit different. I've also added backgrounds to almost every page for a more uniform and nice look. Sites with a banner have had them added to give the page some color as well. The text link to the sites are below the banners.I've also got some more banners to add, but I want to get this site update out now. I hope everyone enjoys the update and the semi-new look.

4-14-04 - Just added two new sites in between semester end essays. Procrastination is an artform. ^_~ Now back to Middle East History.

3-28-04 (cont.) - Man! I haven't done this in a while. I've actually found the energy to update even more after this morning. Cool!! Not much. Added two more links. Added a character shrines section divided to all the different characters. Put the character shrines that were previously in the misc section into their appropriate slots. I feel better for those webmasters/mistresses now. Being in misc doesn't do their sites justice. Also added a fanlisting page for my new craz... *sweatdrop* ^_^; See ya later!

3-28-04-*cringe* I guess just call me the one-a-year wonder... God! I can't believe I let it go this time!! I will say that I started to update and get to work a couple times, but I would just get distracted and move to something else. *sigh* I have WAY too short of an attention span. -_-;; But here's 66 new links... I know, not that many, but I'm on the look out for more. I also had to take off 62 sites. Man! I almost cried, seeing all those sites go. The fandom seems to have kinda simmered down... Strange... I've totally taken down the webrings/cliques link group as I only had one link in there for the last three years and it was dead. what else... I've got more links waiting in the wings and a whole new layout as well. Black is getting really old and I think I need something to celebrate being on the web two and a half years. ( I can't believe it!! Thank you guys for making it such a success!!). I just can't work on it more today (3-28-04). It's taken me twelve hours to gather the 64 links I have now and to totally update the page; all because my own stupid computer went kaput and I'm on my parents now. *gggrrr* Well enjoy what's here, and I'll see you in May (hopefully, god, knowing me, it'll be May, 2005 ^_^;;) when this next semester is over and the new layout is ready. Also look for the resumption of the site of the month next update.

4-23-03- OK, I'm a lazy ass!! I admit it. It's only taken me eight months to update!! -_-;; I suck... But at least I made up for it with a lot of new links!! There's not as much as last update in September; there's only 135 new links this time round. Yet that's a lot!! My hand still hurts... Stupid wrist cramps... Well, anyway, glad the guestbook is working. I actually got people writing me!! Thankies!! And, yes Xu, please send the website along!! Gotta feed the cravings... I was planning an update in January before I got eaten by another fandom bug like I did with Harry Potter a year ago. It be Lord of the Rings and it's all the elf's fault!! I just can't resist long-haired, pointy-eared, slender, beautiful elf-man. *slurp* Sounds like a certain pilot... hhhhmmmmm.... There isn't a Site of the Month yet. I wanted to get this update up before May hits. I'm still working on the award for April's winner, so keep your eyes out for it. Well, my updating will probably stay this sporadic. I still work full time over the summer. I only work part time in the fall, yet I'm still going to school full time, and I'm going to try and concentrate on my grades. I'm looking at a real nice college in Tenneessee to maybe finish my degree in, and I'm going to need all the scholarships I can get. O.o Hope you enjoy the new links and leave your mark in the guestbook.

9/25/02- well, that scheduled updating thing sure didn't work!! It's been six months!! Well, I hope you are satisfied with the 161 links I just added. My hand is cramping.... *whimper* Took 17 sites down and readded two that I had taken down before. I got another banner for you to choose from when linking me!! *hint, hint* ^-^ Made by the beautiful Neko of duolovesheero.com. It's one of those fashionable small banner thingies!1 It's so cute!! Thanx, Neko!! I've decided to get rid of the banner pages and make this a text-only site. They're hard to update and keep track of. They're also eating up my limited hard drive space. For those with slow-connection speeds *cough* me *cough*, they're a pain in the ass to wait and load. None of the sites have been taken down, though. They are all archived in the text sections where they were to beginwith. So the banner pages were just space eaters. Maybe I can get in more updates this way........ Me, update regularly? NEVER!!! BWHAHAHAHAHA!! ^-^;; My updates are going to be sporadic at best from now on till about maybe Christmas or next summer. Working full time and going to school full time eats up a girls free time like nothing else. I'm still planning on something special for the one year anniversary of GWYH. One year!! Yikes!! We'll see........... See ya!!

3/17/02 - O.o.... Yes, I just did add 105 new links again...... I got to update more often so I don't add so many at one time and overload everybody's circuits. I would have added more, though, if I hadn't bee distracted by the anime Marmelade Boy. Me love that show!! ^^ I've got at least 30 new links in the wings just waiting to be added, so we'll see a big update next month. I've decided to start a regular update schedule so that I'm not swamped with updates like this last one. The 3rd Friday of every month is the tentative update date for GWYH. So mark your calenders!! I've added the Site of the Month award this time around. I've decided to award all the wonderful people for the sites that they've put so much work into. Keep up the great work, guys!! I also want to say thanx to the many site owners that answered my desparate plea for help and suggested different sites for me to check out!! You guys are wonderful!!!!! *falls on knees and grovels in thanx* It's because of them that this site has exploded this time round. Fifteen sites have also gone down for various reasons. That's just too bad as some were personal favorites of mine. *sniffle* Hopefully more sites will be born to replace them, no? ^_^ new sites....... Due to some time constraints, I had to leave a couple links out that I'd gotten permission from. I apologize ahead of time to these site owners. They'll be up next month.

1/22/01 - Are these updates getting smaller and smaller or is it just me? Got a few new ones, but had to take three down. *Sniffle* And they were good sites too.... *sniffle* We shall dearly miss them..... I do have a reason for not updating like I should. I've been bitten by another fandom and I mean hard!! Harry Potter fever has taken me! It started with seeing the movie. I started to read the following books and have been hooked ever since!! I'm eating, sleeping, dreaming, and thinking Harry Potter almost nonstop. I haven't been bitten this hard since Gundam Wing.... ^_~ But me still work on this page. Gotta have my GW. My suggestion board be working!! ^_^ Thanx to beechan2!! She has a great site! Go check!! I'm going to be getting rid of my blog that I started. I just don't update often enough to make it work. Well, at least I tried.... ^_^ I'm also going to start a non-GW link page for just sites that I personally recommend. Hope you enjoy visiting them....

1/5/01 - Just a few links for ya. 11 in total. I've added two errant banners that were hiding in my hard drive. Shame on you!! ^_^ I also had to remove Darkflame's link as the site is down permanently. *sniff* That site was just huge!! Just the place to satisfy our fanfic cravings, ne? Well, it was nice while you had it, Darkflame. Hope to see you in the GW world again!! Ja ne!! I also added a little blog. Just for the heck of it...... ^_^;; The new links are here!!

12/27/01 - It be getting harder to get more yaoi links. Got to search more!! I got 19 new links for ya. Go check them out!! I've got more on the back burner. Just waiting for permission. And me getting more sites. Don't you worry!! I also added banners for the sites, The End and the Zechs ML.

11/30/01- EEP! Didn't mean to take this long in updating! Gomen!!I haven't really been online that much this month, so there aren't that many new links. Just about 24 of them. I've added a suggest-a-link page so suggesting will be easier. You won't have to take the time to e-mail me. Though I wouldn't mind if you did.... ^_^ I've alphebatized all the text pages so you can find what you're looking for. I've also added text links for all the banner links in the respectful text pages. I personally have a slow loading computer. So I know what a pain in the butt it can be to wait for all those banners. *sigh* Especially the fanfiction banner section..... Well, neways! Enjoy the new links! I'm waiting on response for 24 new links, so I'll have more soon.

11/8/01- Whew! Have I got an update for you!! 92 links!! Meep..... Most of them are mailing lists. About 3/4 of them. Most of the list moderators I couldn't get a hold of. So if you want off this site, moderators, give me a buzz, and I'll take ya off. But why would ya? ^_^ More publicity, ne? I've also added a new text link in the 1x2 section. I've added a new fanart banner link, two new misc. banner links, two new personal text links, seven yaoi or yaoi-friendly RPG links (happy bout that, ne? ^_^), a new misc. text link, and a new fanfiction banner link. Did I forget anyone? *scratches head* Me tired now. Me got go bed. ^_^

10/22/01 - Got a small update for ya...... Only 13 new links up. Though sites are fantastic!! Go visit them. There is two new fanart links, four new personal text links, one new 3x4 banner link, one new 1x2 banner link, and two new fanfiction banner links. I've also moved the link to Moments of Rapture to the 1x2 banner section at the request of the webmistress. There ya go, Zero Two Fan! Sorry not that big of an update, but I've been distracted reading the two authors, Mercedes Lackey and Dave Duncan. Great authors!! I'll e-mail more people this week, me swear!! ^-^

10/18/01- *stares in shock* I can't believe I just added all those links!! 60!! 60 in total!! That brings the grand total to 86 links! This site has definitely grown since it was launched, ne? Well, there are new links in every section except for mailing lists and webrings. You just wait on those! I'm on 50+ MLs and am hoping to add all of them!! ^_^V I've divided the couple shrines, fanficiton, and misc sections into banner links and text links. I've divided the fanfiction section further to include personal author pages. Then I subdivided the personal page to include banner and text links. *gasp* You'll definitely be able to find something!! Now webmistress' and webmasters, if you are unhappy with your link for any reason, drop me a line and let me know. I'll fix it ASAP!! Thanx guys for making GWYH such a success right from the start!!

10/15/01- Yes...... I have no life...... I've totally changed the front page and built my own graphics. *gasp* *faint* I actually did some work! Give me kudos, ne? Neways!! The new layout is up and it's ready for your testing. Enjoy!!

10/15/01- Well..... I didn't get a chance to e-mail the people for permission over the weekend, but I'm doing it right now, so expect more sites later this week! I've got a couple new links in the fanfiction section. There's a couple in the Couple Shrines. And the link that was in the doujinshi section has been moved to the fanfiction section on request of the site owner.So there ya go!! Enjoy!

10/12/01- Well...... this page kinda got put on hiatus for a while.... ^_^;; It was supposed to be launched on August 4, but.... no page.... Gomen! So here it is!! All the links that I got yeses to are here. I'll be e-mailing more people over the next weekend, so expect more next week!! Enjoy what is here as all these websites are wonderful!!
