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Iranian Baqlawa ( Arabic Recipes )

150 g almond powder
1/2 tsp cardamom powder
150 g sugar
100 g butter
1 tsp rosewater
1 egg

for dough
250 g flour
1/2 cup cold water
1/2 tsp salt

Mix flour and salt, gradually adding cold water. Knead, cover and rest it at room temperature for about two hours. Mix almond powder, cardamom powder, butter and rosewater. Boil sugar with water to prepare thick sugar syrup and leave to cool. Flatten the dough evenly and cut into a rectangle shape. Spread the almond powder mixture evenly on top of the pastry and roll it evenly from one end to another. Brush with beaten egg on top and bake it in pre-heated oven at 180' for 30 minutes. Remove and rest it for one to two hours, when it comes to room temperature cut into half-inch diagonally. To finish pour sugar syrup evenly on top of the baqlawa. Serve hot.