Click HERE to read my message about the future this site (it's good news I promise)

My heart and prayers go out to all those affected by the attcks on freedom on Tuesday, September 11th, 2001. This was not just an attack on the United States of America. We in Canada are well aware of that. This was an assault on all free people in the world and we WILL NOT stand for it. It was with devastation and grief that I heard the news and now two days later it has not entirely sunk in. We will all be forever changed by what's happened this week and with a little faith perhaps we can change for the better. Please send the image below to everyone you know and post it on every message board you visit. Also, if you are able give blood, not just now but in the days and weeks that follow. The world always needs blood donors.

Now is the time to hug your kids, your brothers and sisters, your parents, your friends, and more importantly, your foes. Don't target a nationality for blame, if we do that we are no better than they. Tomorrow at 7pm regradless of time zone, people all over the world are urged to step outside their homes, work and establishments and light a candle to show that we will not stand for this. America, the world is behind you. This fight against hate will be fought by us all.

Read my Dreambook!
Sign my Dreambook!



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Fanfic Fans since December 2nd, 2000

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Days of Our Lives (I wish!) This page is not for profit and no copyright infringement. Further disclaimer, the stories on this site are not for profit and the authors do not own the show or its characters.