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Greetings in the Name of Jesus Christ. . .

My Lord and Savior!

Hi! My name is Robyn Smith. I'm 31 years old and was born with a birth defect called Spina Bifida. There are quite a few complications that may accompany this birth defect. In addition to being unable to walk, I have been diagnosed with hydrocephalus (water on the brain) and have a shunt embedded behind my right ear - this is a balloon that helps keep excess fluid from getting to my brain. Being born with my kind or any kind of disability can mean a lifetime of hospital visits, medical treatments, medications, and more doctor's appointments than I care to talk about. Tiring and frustrating? Absolutely! However, I would like to share with you a profound block of time, in my history, that was used for God's glory and my benefit. So, sit back for a minute and allow God to open your heart as you read the rest of my story.

It was a lazy, hot and muggy summer day in 1998. Houston, Texas is noted for it's humid weather and this particular summer was no exception. It was also an incredibly trying time for me - medically. I had been complaining to my general practitioner (family doctor) that my chest was hurting over a span of about three months. After three months of complaining, I was sitting at home, watching television and enjoying my lunch - cheese nachos. I had just finished when suddenly, without any type of warning, breathing became extremely difficult! I called out to my step-dad, Dave, who was upstairs in his office. I told him that I was having difficulty breathing and I began blacking out. Dave picked up my phone and called my mom, Sharon Stephenson. When my mom pulled into the driveway, they loaded me in the van and transported me to the nearest hospital. Once we got there, the nurses met us at the van and the doctor ordered that I be put on a respirator... immediately!

The next day, I was flown by Life-Flight to Herman Hospital and I was there for three and half weeks. What happened during my stay changed me forever. One day, after a friend of mine brought a group from her church to pray, the respiratory therapist came in to move the tube because it had moved approximately two centimeters.

When she untaped my mouth it came out "spontaneously" before she was able grab hold of it to put back into place. My mom looked at the therapist and asked, "Has this ever happened before?" The therapist replied with a perplexed, "No." The therapist told mom that they were going to have to put the tube back in. However, the nurse went to see if my doctor was on the floor and he was there. He ordered that I be put on an oxygen mask. From that moment on, I was able to breathe on my own.

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After three and a half weeks, I came home and spent a month "recuperating" and chatting on the Internet. As a result of that experience, I met my best friend, Dorene (DuBay) Wright who now resides in ministry with her husband Randall in Rutledge, Alabama.

Anyway, moving right along ...I continued to improve physically and spiritually, as the Lord guided me to what has became my home church for the past five years. Once again another change took place in my life, and then...the Lord rebirthed a desire in my heart -- to become a Christian counselor. I have since returned to college to do God's will.

You see, what was meant to be a horrific experience, God turned into an opportunity to draw me closer to Himself. Now, I have a more intimate relationship with (the "living" Savior), Jesus Christ more than ever before. And... He has shown me what I am to do with my life in order to glorify Him and to have a servant's heart for others. All I can say is what was meant for my distruction God turned it around for His Honor and Glory and my benefit.

Well, I pray that my testimony has been an encouragement for you. You too, can experience a closer walk with Jesus Christ without having to go through something as traumatic, as I did. Just..."ask Him!"

And if you don't have a personal relationship with Jesus, then it is never too late to go to Him ...right now, and from your heart repeat this prayer. "Father God, I agree with You, that I am a sinner. I am truly sorry for hurting You, others and myself. Forgive me. Lord, change my heart, and have Your way in my life. And it's in the name of Jesus Christ, Your precious Son that I ask these things. Amen." If you have prayed that prayer or, a similar one, please feel free to email me and share that experience with me. I'd love to hear from you.

In God's Service,


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